After three hours of free-ranging debate on the pros and cons of granting both a zoning change and a special permit for 368-390 Watertown Street in Nonantum to allow for the addition of another floor and three more units, the Land Use Committee voted to defeat both items.
Nonantum Neighborhood Association President Teresa Sauro argued that allowing the zoning change from BU1 to MU4 would set a precedent for other developers, and new development would drive out existing shopkeepers. She supported the original ten-unit, three-story building that had been approved last year, but she felt that the new iteration of the building had support mainly from people outside of Nonantum who wanted to put more development in that village. On the other hand, Zach Bianchi, a young Nonantum resident, said that the thirteen units in the four-story development (including three below-market-rate units) would offer more opportunities for young families and older people wishing to downsize.
Alex Jablon, who ran for state representative last year, also spoke in favor of the development because it would offer more affordable ownership in Newton. Lisa Marzilli, a Nonantum resident, told the members of the Land Use Committee and other City Councilors attending the hearing, “We don’t believe you guys. We are waiting for the other shoe to drop.” She and others referred to the struggle the community had in persuading the City Council not to impose the Village Center Overlay District (VCOD) on Watertown Street as it was doing in communities near public transportation. She and others said they felt that after they had deflected that effort, the Council was using the rezoning option to develop Watertown Street. Land Use Chair Andrea Kelley permitted everyone in the Council Chamber and on Zoom to speak and allowed the public hearing to continue until the votes were taken.
All three Ward 1 Councilors favored both the MU4 rezoning for the property as well as the additional story — which is set back 20-feet from Watertown Street and barely visible — and the three additional units. Councilor Alison Leary commented that the development “fits the bill for MU4” zoning because it is not displacing existing residents or tenants and that the MU4 zoning would always need to come before the City Council for a vote.
Councilor Maria Scibelli Greenberg said that the project would be good for business because it would add more foot traffic and the zoning change would benefit the village center. Councilor Oliver emphasized that MU4 is not the same as the VCOD, which he had strenuously opposed, emphasizing that it was not “by right,” but up to a decision-making process. City Council President Marc Laredo, a member of the Land Use Committee, expressed concern about the “overheated rhetoric” in discussing the project and zoning change.
Ultimately, the committee voted three in favor of the zoning change, four against, with one abstention. There was some question about the legality of taking a vote on the special permit since the zoning change failed and therefore the special permit could not be granted. Jonah Temple, representing the Newton Law Department, said the Land Use Committee could vote, but if the zoning change fails in the full City Council, the Council could not vote for the Special Permit. However, the vote for the Special Permit was four to four, thereby failing. The two measures will now go to the full City Council with a negative recommendation.
See NewTV’s video of the meeting.
Vote tallies:
- Zoning change
- For: Leary, Kelley, Downes. Against: Lucas, Block, Lobovits, Farrell. Laredo abstained.
- Special permit
- For: Leary, Kelley, Downes, Laredo. Against: Lucas, Block, Lobovits, Farrell.