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Zoning & Planning Committee Report – February 10, 2025

The Zoning & Planning Committee approved the following (see Report and watch the meeting video):

  • Appointment of Robert Jampol to the Conservation Commission (8-0) on February 18, 2028. He discussed his previous service on a nonprofit board and the Waban Area Council, emphasizing his appreciation for the Conservation Commission’s work.
  • Request for discussion and amendments to Floodplain Ordinance (8-0) Amendments update the ordinance to ensure compliance with FEMA’s National Floodplain Insurance Program and manage the city’s floodplain areas more clearly by separating FEMA and city-designated flood zones into distinct ordinances. Changes include updating the base flood elevation data using LiDAR technology, simplifying terminology, and transitioning the city’s datum to the North American Vertical Datum. The city “must regulate all FEMA flood hazard areas in a new ordinance using the Massachusetts model bylaw language before July 8, 2025” and adopt a revised City ordinance to avoid overlapping ordinances.
  • Reappointment of Amy Dain to the Planning and Development Board (8-0) for a term expiring on February 1, 2030. She discussed the use of lot-by-lot zoning as a prevalent method for developing multi-family housing in the region due to the difficulty of creating larger zoning districts.

The committee voted to hold the following:

  • Requesting discussion and amendments to Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance (8-0) Discussions continue on amending the ADU Ordinance to align with state regulations from the Affordable Homes Act. Proposed changes include modifying occupancy limits, defining gross floor area more clearly, and adjusting setback requirements for ADUs. “Multiple Councilors expressed interest in retaining as much of the current ordinance as possible for ADUs that seek a special permit through a clause that explicitly permits the Land Use Committee to regulate these aspects. A couple of Councilors also expressed interest in having a separate ordinance for those seeking a special permit instead of a clause.” Planning will prepare a version of the ordinance to comply with state regulations and “a separate redline for the amendments (listed below) moved forward to public hearing.”
  • Requesting discussion and amendments to Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance (continued discussion) (8-0) Proposed amendments moving forward to the public hearing stage:
    • Amendment 6.7.1.D.2 “allows ADU’s up to 1200 square feet by special permit. The proposal is to amend this by allowing the maximum size of an ADU be 1200 square feet or 50% or the gross floor area of the principal dwelling whichever is less and remove the special permit.” Councilors voted (7-1, Councilor Baker Opposed) on a straw vote to have draft language prepared.
    • Amendment to 6.7.1.E.2 The current amendment “maintains the maximum of 900 square feet for an external ADU. The amendment would allow a by-right external ADU to be 1200 square feet and by special permit 1500 square feet.” (5-3, Councilors Baker, Wright, and Getz Opposed) on a straw vote to have draft language prepared.
    • Amendment to 6.7.1.E.8.b (8-0) to exempt buildings that already exist and are 15 feet or closer on adjacent lots and allow each existing building to become an ADU” on a straw vote to have draft language prepared.
    • Amendment to 6.7.1.E.8 “Remove the language “located outside an historic district” from this rule.” (7-1, Councilor Baker Opposed) on a straw vote to have draft language prepared.
  • Request for discussion and amendments to remove or reduce parking minimums for commercial uses in commercial centers (8-0) Due to the late hour, discussion on this item was postponed to a future meeting.

Present: Councilors Baker (Chair), Oliver, Albright, Wright, Krintzman, Getz, Danberg, and Kalis
Also Present: Councilors Malakie, Lucas, Block, Farrell, Leary, Kelley, and Greenberg
City Staff: Jennifer Caira, Deputy Director of Planning; Zachary LeMel, Chief of Long Range
Planning; Jennifer Wilson, Assistant City Solicitor; Jennifer Steel, Chief Environmental Planner;
and Jaclyn Norton, Committee Clerk

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