Highlights this week…
- Mayor Fuller …giving her annual State of the City address on Monday, with special guest Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll
- City Council …considering a proposed new redesign for the City seal
- Land Use …considering Northland’s proposal to amend its special permit to move the focus more toward residential development
- Public Facilities …considering aspects of stormwater mitigation and rehabilitating the basement of Jackson Homestead
- City Council …meeting with the Mayor on Thursday to express City Council’s priorities for the FY2026 budget
- Planning and Development Board …continuing a public hearing on rezoning 386-394 Watertown Street in Nonantum
- MassDOT …holding a virtual meeting of the Newton Long-Term Planning Study Working Group
City Council
City Council will meet on Monday to hear the Mayor presenting her annual State of the City address with special guest, Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll.
The Council is expected to vote on the following (see Reports Docket):
- Two Class 2 Auto Dealer Licenses: New England Motor Mart and Robert’s Towing
- Four single-family attached dwellings at 51 Oak Avenue
- Expansion of a freestanding sign and a third secondary sign at 269-287 Grove Street
- Demolition of a two-family dwelling to construct a new two-family dwelling at 273-275 Webster Street
- Appointments:
- Sam Figler to the Licensing Board
- Claire Wadlington to the Newton Community Education Commission
- An update regarding the City Seal Redesign
- Authorization to negotiate leases to install solar panels on City properties
- No Action Necessary recommended for:
- Submission of the Annual Report of the work of Traffic Council for 2024
- Request for a discussion of metrics for the Washington Street Pilot
The New Docket includes the following:
- Appointments:
- Robert Jampol to the Conservation Commission
- Molly Doris-Pierce to the Health and Human Services Advisory Board
- Reappointments:
- Amy Dain to the Planning and Development Board
- Edward Chapman to the Parks & Recreation Commission
- Matthew Stafford and Asa Fanelli to Health and Human Services Advisory Council
- Brian Davis to the Board of Assessors
- Request for discussion and amendments to Floodplain Ordinance
- Discussion regarding proposed plaza in Newton Centre
- Discussion with DPW and the Climate & Sustainability Team regarding identifying and implementation of electrification locations
- $56,000 grant from Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection for the City’s waste diversion efforts
- CPC Recommendation to appropriate $1,471,000 plus $204,000 in Community Preservation Act funding for the rehabilitation of the basement of the Jackson Homestead and Museum
- Mayoral Listening Session: Council Priorities for the FY2026 Budget
Finance will meet on Monday regarding these requests:
- $393,900 from Current Year Wage Reserve to fund recently settled AFSCME collective bargaining agreements
- Authorization to enter into negotiations for potential leases by third-parties for construction, ownership, and operation of on-site renewable solar energy generation (City properties)
- $25,600 grant from Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency for technology updates in the Emergency Operations Center
Land Use will meet on Tuesday to consider a request to amend the Northland special permit to eliminate five buildings, convert Building 1 from office space to residential use, increase the number of residential units by 22 units, modify building designs of certain proposed buildings, and alter surface and structured parking at 55 Tower Road. (NOTE: The project’s public shuttle service is proposed to be maintained but with a reduced schedule, phasing in with occupancy to eventually operate Monday-Friday, approximately every 20 minutes during peak morning and evening periods.)
Programs and Services will meet on Wednesday to consider:
- The new senior transportation system (GoGo Newton)
- All management and enforcement options for chronic distressed properties, excessive harborage, and rodent infestations within city limits
- Appointment of Molly Doris-Pierce to the Health and Human Services Advisory Board
- Reappointments:
- Edward Chapman to the Parks & Recreation Commission
- Matthew Stafford and Asa Fanelli to Health and Human Services Advisory Council
Public Facilities will meet on Wednesday to consider:
- Discussions regarding:
- Public and private stormwater mitigation to improve flooding
- Work to upgrade the water, sewer, and storm water infrastructure
- Possible ordinance amendment regarding how water movement between properties is assessed, monitored, and tracked
- CPC Recommendation to appropriate $1,471,000 and an additional $204,000 in Community Preservation Act funding for rehabilitating the basement of the Jackson Homestead and Museum
City Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole with the Mayor on Thursday at the Allen House for a Mayoral Listening Session regarding Council Priorities for the FY2026 Budget.
School Committee
The School Committee has no meetings scheduled this week.
Boards and Commissions
Youth Commission will meet on Monday to recap the January 15 Youth Commission Advisory Board meeting and discuss focus topics for this school year.
Planning and Development Board will meet on Monday to consider:
- Presentation and possible vote on the FY26-FY30 Consolidated Plan (Needs Assessment, Market Analysis, and Strategic Plan) and Citizen Participation Plan
- Continuation of public hearing and possible vote on rezoning one parcel located at 386-394 Watertown Street from Business 1 to Mixed Use 4
- Possible amendments to Newton’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance to comply with the State’s Zoning Act
- Possible amendment to the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance to include training regarding bias
- Possible amendments to enhance the preservation of existing homes
Newton Human Rights Commission will meet on Tuesday to consider:
- Student Reports; Newton Police Department Reports
- Complaints Received
- HRC Awards
- Addressing Anti-Semitism in Newton & Beyond
- Pride Honoree
- Student Representation
- Programming/ Goal Setting for 2025
Fair Housing Committee will meet on Wednesday to consider:
- Annual Action Plan Draft
- Consolidated Plan Housing Discrimination Survey
- Pipeline VCOD and IZ
- Fair Housing Training
- Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance
- Subcommittee Updates: Lottery Results & Lease-ups, Membership & Nominating, Fair Housing Award
Sustainable Materials Management Commission will meet on Wednesday for an overview of the 2025-2030 curbside collection and recycling processing contract.
WestMetro HOME Consortium will meet on Thursday to consider:
- Consolidated Pool and CHDO RFPs: Project Review Committee Recommendations
- Fair Housing Testing Program
- Final update on testing and report development
- Virtual Community Meeting: February 19 from 5:30-7
- In-Person Community Meeting: February 26 from 5:30-7 at Newton Free Library
- FY26-FY30 Consolidated Plan and FY26 Annual Action Plan
- HOME Monitoring & Subrecipient Monitoring
Walker Center Joint Advisory Planning Group will meet on Thursday to discuss outreach to the Newton Housing Partnership and Newton Housing Authority, Newton Public Schools and School Committee, Auburndale Historic District Commission, and Parks, Recreation & Culture and Parks & Recreation Committee.
Farm Commission will meet on Thursday to consider:
- 2024 Financials
- 2025 Business Plan
- Farm Operations in the New Year
- Community Preservation Committee Activity
- Infrastructure
Newton Highlands Neighborhood Area Council will meet on Thursday to discuss:
- Event recaps
- Highlands Village Day
- Regulations of signs on the Walnut Street MBTA Bridge
- Village Enhancement Project
MassDOT’s Newton Long-Term Planning Study will hold its third Working Group meeting virtually on Wednesday, February 5, 4PM-5:30PM. Register here.
Development Review Team (DRT) is scheduled to meet this week regarding:
- Conversion of a c. 1850 commercial building of 30,000 sq.ft. into six dwelling units and parking at 44 Oak Street
- Razing a building to construct four new dwelling units at 1100-1102 Beacon Street
This week’s road construction schedule has not been posted yet.
Ed. Note: We corrected this post to indicate that the $393,900 for AFSCME collective bargaining agreements is from Current Year Wage Reserve not Current Year Water Reserve.