The Traffic Council approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):
- Change of 2-hour parking limit to 3-hour on Langley Road: (5-0) a change in the parking time limit at Langley Road parking lot for 132 meters. Public hearing comments were in favor of the change.
- No parking on either side of the curve on Gibbs Street: Approved due to the difficulty of exiting driveways and the need to ensure safety around a blind curve.
- Addition of Studio Road to the Auburndale Village Parking District: (5-0) regulating parking with permits, easing the parking situation for both residents and the local university. “Studio Road is a private way which can be enforced if it is added into the Traffic and Parking Regulations (TPR) through the Traffic Council process.” Lasell University and a neighbor spoke in support.
- Stop sign at the end of Proctor Street at Walker Street: (5-0) to improve safety at this T-intersection, clarifying right-of-way near the new early childhood education location. 1 email in opposition.
- Stop sign at the end of Dartmouth Street at Prince Street: (5-0) to enhance road safety by clearly marking the intersection. One email in support.
- Parking restriction on Bemis Road near California Street: (5-0) to prevent parking along a curve, which could create visibility issues and traffic conflicts. Two public comments in support.
All approved items could be appealed through the close of business on December 11, 2024.
The Traffic Council voted to deny the following:
- Four-way stop at Greenwood Street and Arnold Road: (4-1, Councilor Fischman opposed) due to insufficient warrants under the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices guidelines, despite concerns about traffic flow and safety. The Police Department and DPW oppose adding stop signs. Adding stop signs where they are not warranted has increased traffic crashes. Councilor Downs suggested that the Councilors requesting the stop sign apply for traffic calming, which is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works and not the Traffic Council.
The Traffic Council voted to hold the following:
- Accessible parking space request for 147 Arnold Road: (5-0) for further analysis and potential relocation of the proposed parking space to serve the resident’s needs better. Held for another site visit.
- Long-term trial for traffic regulation changes near Countryside School (5-0) to allow for temporary adjustments during the school’s reconstruction, ensuring flexibility in handling emerging traffic and parking issues.