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McGehee: Vote NO on Question 2 (MCAS)

As someone who grew up in Mississippi and witnessed firsthand the challenges within our education system, I can attest to the transformative power of rigorous academic standards. In 2019, Mississippi implemented testing protocols modeled on Massachusetts’ MCAS requirements, focusing on early literacy proficiency. By shifting to science-based reading instruction and introducing data-driven teacher accountability, the state saw remarkable improvements.

According to the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress, Mississippi’s fourth-grade reading scores soared following the reforms—from 45th to 21st nationally—a leap that underscores a fundamental truth: standards matter. These reforms didn’t just elevate test scores; they opened doors for students who were previously left behind, proving that high expectations can lead to significant achievements.

The proposed ballot initiative to eliminate the MCAS graduation requirement threatens to undermine the very foundation of educational excellence in Massachusetts. While some argue that standardized tests are restrictive, they are essential tools that ensure all students meet critical learning benchmarks. Lowering the bar would not only disadvantage our students but also diminish the state’s reputation as a leader in education.

I urge voters to consider this evidence and vote NO on Question 2. By upholding rigorous standards, we affirm our commitment to providing every student with the quality education they deserve and continue to set an example for other states to follow.

Robert McGehee
West Newton

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