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Fig City News: Two years old this week!

Two years ago, on June 27, 2022, we published the first issue of Fig City News, reporting on — (this will sound familiar) — BERDO, West Newton Armory housing, the Commonwealth Avenue Carriageway Project, Village Center Zoning, a project on Crafts Street, the first meeting of the Newton Affordable Housing Trust, Newton’s new Fire Chief and Interim School Superintendent, nine new Artful Pianos, and climate news.

That launch came after three months of our attempting to discern specific needs for local news coverage and delivery in Newton — and how we could meet them. Many thanks for your suggestions, criticisms, and well wishes!

There are so many people responsible for achieving this milestone — reporters, readers, donors, interns, letter writers, word-of-mouth promoters, information-sharers, and more. This week we can all together celebrate a happy anniversary, indeed. Thank you.

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