Exactly three months from the September 3rd State Democratic Primary — which will very likely determine the next State Representative from the 12th Middlesex District — Fig City News provides this update on the Democratic candidates in that race:

City Councilor Rick Lipof has the “enthusiastic” endorsement of Massachusetts Treasurer Deborah Goldberg, a Brookline resident who lives in the 12th Middlesex District. She cited Councilor Lipof’s “tremendous experience” and said he will “not only deliver the resources and services our communities need but fiercely advocate for our shared priorities.” Mr. Lipof’s other endorsements are here.

Former City Councilor Greg Schwartz has been endorsed by the 12th Middlesex incumbent, Rep. Ruth Balser, who is retiring. In her “whole-hearted” endorsement, she spoke of his experience and of their “shared values,” noting that like her, Dr. Schwartz would bring to the office medical experience relevant to the current challenges in health care. Dr. Schwartz’s other endorsements are here.

City Councilor Bill Humphrey, the first candidate in the race, has been endorsed by Mass Alliance (coalition of liberal advocacy organizations and labor unions), the Massachusetts Nurses Association, the Massachusetts Teachers Association, Roofers Local 33, the Teamsters Local 122, and Progressive Newton. (Mr. Humphrey’s endorsements are here.)
Door knocking
Beyond their growing lists of endorsements, the three candidates have been knocking on doors to talk with voters in the district. Mr. Humphrey leads with 4,140 doors knocked and over 1,500 conversations. Mr. Lipof has knocked on 3,800 doors and has had about 1,000 conversations. Dr. Schwartz estimates that he has hit 1,000 doors with a 30% contact rate.