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Programs & Services Committee – 5/8/2024 Report

Public Safety and Transportation voted to approve the following (Report and meeting video):

  • Resolution to declare June 9, 2024, as George Mansfield Day in the City of Newton (Item #226-24): To honor former Alderman Mansfield for his dedicated service to the community on Village Day in Newton Highlands, where a bench will also be dedicated in his memory. (6-0)
  • Authorization to transfer $85,000 for HHS nursing staffing (Item #192-24): Unspent funds from full-time salaries would be used to cover the cost of hiring temporary school nurses through a staffing agency due to ongoing vacancies and a national shortage of nurses. (6-0)
  • Authorization to transfer $125,000 for Law Department legal services (Item #197-24): To cover the costs of outside counsel for contract negotiations and other legal services following the passing of a key department member. The unfilled position has been reposted with an increased starting salary. (6-0)
  • Appointment of Donald Siegel to the Newton Housing Authority (Item #200-24): Amended to correct the term expiration from 2029 to 2027. Siegel, a longtime resident and union attorney, expressed his commitment to public housing during his appointment discussion.
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