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What’s Up in Newton – Week of 5/12/2024

Highlights this Week: See below for details about…

  • Finance discussing the budgets for AssessingFinancial Services, and Executive/Sustainability
  • City Council meeting (as a Committee of the Whole) to discuss and possibly vote on the Mayor’s proposed FY25 Budget, Capital Improvement Plan, and Supplemental Capital Improvement Plan
  • Public Facilities considering approving the 75% design for the Washington Street Pilot
  • Design Review Committee voting to approve the schematic design for Franklin Elementary

City Council

Zoning and Planning will meet Monday to consider:

  • Amending the short-term rental ordinance
  • Ordinance changes to help small businesses remain in Newton as development occurs

Finance will meet on Monday to consider:

  • Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and external audit reports for FY2023
  • $50,000 state grant for improvements at the Pellegrini Field House
  • Transfer $85,000 for temporary staffing for nursing staff
  • Transfer $125,000 for legal services
  • $1,350,000 from Free Cash for Fire Rescue overtime
  • $450,000 from Snow and Ice reserves to Police Patrol overtime
  • Five-year contract for substitute staffing for Newton Public Schools
  • Departmental budgets for AssessingFinancial Services, and Executive/Sustainability

Public Facilities will meet on Wednesday to consider:

  • Grants of location for conduit in sites around Needham Street
  • Raised intersections at Waverly & Franklin Streets and Brookline Street at Hartman Road
  • Transferring $2,000,000 from savings in DPW accounts for Accelerated Roads Program
  • $200,000 to manage stormwater from Myrtle Street and McGrath Park
  • Approval of 75% design for Washington Street Pilot

Financial Audit Advisory Committee will meet Wednesday regarding special projects and the audit process and schedule.

City Council will meet on Thursday as a Committee of the Whole to discuss and possibly vote on the Mayor’s proposed FY25 Budget, Capital Improvement Plan, and Supplemental Capital Improvement Plan. (See Budget Materials.) The City Council has until May 31 to approve the budget.

School Committee

The Negotiations Subcommittee will meet in Executive Session on Monday for a grievance hearing.

Boards and Commissions

Commission on Disability will meet on Monday:

  • Housing for People with Disabilities – Councilor Albright
  • CDBG Report & FY26 Project Ideas
  • Disability Pride Event with UOD
  • 2024 COD Awareness Event
  • Project Ideas for MOD Grant

Auburndale Historic District Commission will meet on Tuesday to consider:

  • Driveway and cobblestone apron and borders at 360 & 366 Central Street
  • Fence to screen heat pumps at 348 Central Street
  • Rear addition at 32 Hancock Street
  • Second story at 228 Grove Street

Community Preservation Committee will meet on Tuesday to review final report on Gath Pool.

Economic Development Commission will meet on Tuesday to hear Meryl Kessler, chair of Newton Community Pride, discuss efforts to create a cultural district in West Newton.

Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Wednesday to consider a Comprehensive Permit (Chapter 40B) for 16-unit residential development at 41 Washington Street (including four affordable units).

Board of Assessors will meet on Wednesday to approve April 2024 Exemption and Abatement Reports.

Design Review Committee for Franklin Elementary School will meet on Wednesday to approve the Schematic Design for Site Plan Approval.

Chestnut Hill Historic District Commission will meet on Thursday to consider requests to:

Election Commission will meet on Friday to consider:

  • Polling Location Recommendation Requests
  • Early In-Person Voting Hours and location Recommendation
  • Choosing a new chair of the Commission


Development Review Team meetings this week.

This week’s road construction schedule.

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