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City Council Meetings – Week of 5/12/2024

Zoning and Planning will meet in person (Room 204) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, May 13 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Request for an update on the Short-Term Rental Ordinance – compliance and enforcement
  • Request for amendments to the short-term rental ordinance to require that the property owner be listed as the operator, and other amendments to strengthen the ordinances relating to short-term rentals
  • Request the Planning Department with the assistance of the Economic Development Commission, research and develop mechanisms including ordinance changes or other means to assist local businesses impacted by development similar to the Somerville work. The goal of this docket item will be to help small commercial/retail/independent and locally owned businesses remain in Newton as development occurs.

Chair’s Note: The Chair will entertain a motion to split the item to hold a public hearing on having building height being measured from original grade as opposed to finished grade while allowing staff to work on other proposed changes.

  • Discussion and possible ordinance amendment to deal with grade changes created during construction causing stormwater runoff on neighboring properties.

Chair’s Note: Discussion regarding the following two items will be limited to informing Councilors that a discussion will be held at the June 10th meeting regarding potential amendments to the zoning ordinance.

  • Request for a discussion and possible amendments to Chapter 30 Zoning or other City Ordinances to enhance the preservation of existing homes over their replacement by larger and more expensive structures.
  • Request a discussion to amend the setbacks in the MR zones to regulate the size of new buildings better, enable a wider range of housing options close to public transit, and better incentivize preservation and renovation of existing housing stock.

Chair’s Note: The Chair will entertain a motion of No Action Necessary (NAN) on the following

  • Request to amend Newton’s Zoning Ordinance to allow schools or other educational purposes for profit to be allowed by right.

Finance will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, May 13 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Comptroller transmitting the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and external audit reports for fiscal year ending June 30, 2023 for City Council review/acceptance.
  • Request to accept and expend a Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism FY24 State budget earmark grant in the amount $50,000 for improvements at the Pellegrini Field House.
  • Request to transfer the sum of $85,000 from Health & Human Services Clinical Health, Full Time Salaries Account to Temporary Staffing for nursing staff.
  • Request to transfer the sum of $125,000 from the Law Department, Full Time Salaries to the Legal Services Account
  • Request to appropriate and expend the sum $1,350,000 from June 30, 2023 Certified Free Cash to Fire Rescue – Regular Overtime
  • Request to appropriate and expend the sum of $450,000 from Comptroller’s Snow and Ice budgeted reserves to Police Patrol – Regular Overtime
  • Request authorization to enter into a five-year contract with a substitute staffing vendor for Newton Public Schools.
  • Request authorization to appropriate and expend the sum of $13,597.21 from June 30, 2023 Certified Free Cash to Newton Public Schools for funds collected from the FY23 Helpsy textile collection and recycling.
  • Request authorization to transfer the sum of $5,000 from Special Election, Regular Overtime to Acct Elections, Seasonal Wages for the purpose of funding additional salaries required for the Presidential Primary held on March 5, 2024
  • Review of Departmental Budgets: Assessing, Financial Services, Executive/Sustainability. See Budget Materials:
    • FY24-FY28 Capital Improvement Plan
    • FY24 Municipal/School Operating Budget
    • FY24-FY28 Supplemental Capital Improvement Plan

Public Facilities will meet in person (Room 204) and virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, May 15 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Petition for a grant of location to install and maintain approximately 1174 feet of conduit at the intersection of Needham Street and Charlemont Street and to install and maintain two new manholes for 160 Charlemont Street.
  • Petition for a grant of location to install and maintain approximately 1170 feet of conduit and install and maintain three new manholes for 50 Tower Road.
  • Petition for a grant of location to install and maintain approximately 2644 feet of conduit approximately 240 feet northwest of Sweet Street and install and maintain three new manholes for 156 Oak Street.
  • Petition for a grant of location to install and maintain approximately 1164 feet of conduit at the intersection of Needham Street and Christina Street and install and maintain two new manholes for 90 Christina Street.
  • Request for approval of the installation of two raised intersections, at the intersections of Waverley Avenue at Franklin Street, and Brookline Street at Hartman Road.
  • Request to transfer funds from several DPW Accounts resulting from FY24 savings in various DPW accounts to the City’s Accelerated Roads Program:
    • DPW Streets- Full Time Wages: $500,000
    • DPW Snow & Ice- Overtime: $250,000
    • DPW Snow & Ice- Contractors: $200,000
    • Comptroller’s- Snow/Ice Reserve: $1,050,00
  • Request to appropriate and expend a total of $200,000 from the Stormwater Management Operating Reserve FY2024 Operating Budget to fund the design and installation of a subsurface system that will manage stormwater from Myrtle Street and McGrath Park.

Chair’s Note: Please note that the below item is not a public hearing but we will have an overflow room if there is not enough space in Room 204. We will be streaming the meeting in Room 211 at City Hall. The Chamber was not available for this meeting.

  • Request the approval of the 75% design for the Washington Street Pilot

Financial Audit Advisory Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, May 15 at 8AM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Introduction of new CLA staff
  • Propose/Determine Special Projects
  • Expectations of Audit Process
  • Reviewing the audit schedule

City Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, May 16 at 6:30PM to discuss and possibly vote on the Mayor’s proposed FY25 Budget, Capital Improvement Plan, and Supplemental Capital Improvement Plan. The agenda includes the following Budget Materials:

  • Submittal of the FY2025 to FY 2029 Capital Improvement Plan
  • Submittal of the FY2025 – FY2029 Supplemental Capital Improvement Plan
  • Submittal of the FY25 Municipal/School Operating Budget
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