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Public Safety & Transportation Committee – 4/17/24 Report

Public Safety & Transportation approved the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

Minor Street Play Ordinance (Item #40-24): Amended Chapter 26-19 of Newton Ordinances to allow play and other community activities on minor streets, consistent with current practices, with specific prohibitions against dangerous activities like kite flying on overpasses. Amended to remove the word “snowball” from the ordinance. Councilor Block abstained because he didn’t feel it was a ‘smart use of time and a smart approach to something which (currently) self-enforcing.’ Approved with Councilor Block abstaining. (7-0-1)

Public Safety & Transportation held the following:

Parking Policy Review (Item #201-24): Discussion on updating on-street and municipal lot parking policies regarding the ballot measure on the winter overnight parking ban before Newton voters in November. Historically, the Committee and City Council have not been interested in changing the winter overnight parking ban. The Committee has received over 500 emails for and against the ban. The item was held to further discuss forming a subcommittee or workgroup, which could include people not on the PS&T Committee, to make policy recommendations, or to keep the issue’s discussion within the Committee. (8-0)

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