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Public Safety and Transportation – 2/7/2024 Report

The Public Safety & Transportation Committee voted to deny the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

  • Appeal of a Traffic Council decision approving the prohibition of parking at all times along the block of Farwell Street between Joseph Road and North Street. According to the report, the Fire Department and Newton Public School Transportation Director opposed appeal because they need the space for safe travel. Several residents also spoke against the appeal. The Committee voted to deny 8-0.
  • Appealing a Traffic Council denial for a trial restriction of access to Centre Street, southerly from Walnut Street to Route on ramp, to all vehicles except bicycles. According to the report, the Committee believed request would make traffic heavier. The Committee voted to deny 8-0.

The Public Safety & Transportation Committee voted No Action Necessary (NAN) for the following item:

  • Submission of the Annual Report of the work of Traffic Council for 2023. According to the report, the Chair of the Traffic Council reviewed the work of the Traffic Council in 2023. He said, the Traffic Council heard 76 items and took final action on 72 items, 4 of which are still being held. Two docket items were denied in 2023, four items were appealed to City Council and the City Council upheld Traffic Council’s decision by denying the items. Two appeal items were heard tonight denying the items, upholding Traffic Council’s decision. The maximum backlog during 2023 consisted of 19 items, the first time in 20 years there has been a short backlog. In the past, there were waiting times of six months.
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