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What’s Up in Newton – Week of 1/21/2024

Newton Teachers Strike: Three Fig City News articles since Saturday morning:

City Council

Finance will meet on Monday:

  • Reappointment of Allan S. Cohen to the Board of Assessors
  • Acceptance of a $500 donation from the Newton Highlands Congregational Church for LGBTQ+ celebrations
  • Acceptance of a $18,720 State 911 Department for the Emergency Medical Dispath Grant Program $18,720 grant to cover the cost of quality assurance for EMD services.
  • Appropriation request of $925,000 of June 30, 2023 Certified Free Cash for the purpose of funding curriculum materials for Newton Public Schools.
  • Appropriation request of $11,475,000 of June 30, 2023 Certified Free Cash to fund NPS and Municipal infrastrucure (see list)

Zoning and Planning will meet on Monday:

  • Appointment of Councilor Susan Albright to the Newton Affordable Housing Trust Fund
  • Recommendation to appropriate $125,000 in CPA funding to the Second Church in Newton for restoration.
  • Discussion regarding process going forward for 40B projects since meeting the 10% ‘Safe Harbor’ designation. See Planning Memo.
  • Update request on Short-term Rental ordinance compliance and enforcement
  • Request to the Planning Department and Economic Development Commission to research and develop mechanisms to assist local businesses impacted by development. See Planning Memo.
  • Public Hearing scheduled for discussion and possible adoption of an ordinance requiring electrification of all new construction and substantial renovations.

Land Use Committee will meet on Tuesday to review the following requests:

  • Extension of time to exercise a previously approved special permit at 1 Jackson Street
  • Amend a previously approved special permit to allow a free-standing sign at 269-287 Grove Street
  • Approve location and parking stall depth at 113 Edinboro Street
  • Amend an approved comprehensive sign package at 1-55 Boylston Street

Real Property Reuse will meet on Thursday to discuss recommendation to make available for sale or lease property at 169 Grove Street and 136 Hancock Street.

School Committee

The School Committee’s Negotiation Subcommittee will continue mediation sessions with the Newton Teachers Association (NTA) on Monday. The NTA has said that the Teachers Strike will continue until an agreement is reached. Newton Public Schools announced that schools will be closed on Monday and school status for subsequent days will be announced by 7:30PM the previous evening.

School Committee will meet on Monday – MEETING CANCELED.

  • Public Comment
  • Consent Agenda:
  • High-Quality Instructional Materials Purchase Grant $1,010,194
    • Approval of 1-8-24 Meeting Minutes
    • Car Donation to Career and Technical Education (CTE)
    • International/Out-of-State Overnight Field Trips
  • Superintendent’s Report – Update
  • Action Items/Discussions/Updates
    • Negotiations Update
    • Perkins Eastman, Consultants – Space Utilization presentation
    • School Choice Discussion #2
    • Calendar Policy (JHA) and Homework Policy (IKB)- Discussion #2 and possible vote
    • FY25 School Year Calendar – Discussion #2 and possible vote
  • Possible vote to Enter Executive Session – Purpose #3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective
    bargaining with the Newton Teachers Association units A, B, C, D and E

School Committee will meet with the City Council on Wednesday regarding state of the schools.

Boards and Commissions

Fair Housing Lottery Results and Lease Up Subcommittee will meet on Monday:

  • Current approaches of data collection for Newton’s affordable housing lotteries and proposals to add to these practices, with Shaylyn Davis, Housing Program Director
  • Workplan and priorities for the coming year
  • Fair Housing Committee Priorities discussion.

Newton Free Library Board of Trustees Finance Committee will meet on Monday:

  • Q2 balance sheet and income statement review
  • Review of investment performance as of 12/31/23
  • Quarterly report for February 28 board meeting
  • Quicken transition update

Newton Parks and Recreation Commission will meet on Monday:

  • Commissioner’s Report
  • Recurring 2024 Outdoor Special Events
    • Lions 5K Road race – NSHS- 05/19/24
    • Nonantum Village Day – Coletti-Magni Park – 06/02/24
    • St. Mary of Carmen Festival – Pellegrini Playgound-07/17/24-07/21/24
    • Susan G. Komen Walk – 08/23/24 – City Hall Grounds-lunch stop
    • Indigenous People Day – Albemarle Playground – 10/14/24
  • Committee Reports: Community Preservation, Urban Tree Commission, Farm Commission, Off-Leash Area Working Group, Arts and Culture
  • Election of Commission officers

Newton Retirement Board will meet on Tuesday:

  • System Actuary Kathleen Riley of Segal to discuss January 1, 2024 actuarial valuation of the Newton Retirement System
  • Actuarial services contract extension
  • Pension Technology Group (PTG) contract renewal options
  • Review of two applications for accidental disability retirement
  • Discussion relating to hiring an investment consultant, future transfer of funds to the Pension Reserves Investment Management fund (PRIM), cash reserve policy, PRIM maintenance balance, correspondence with PERAC’s Director of Audits, Caryn Shea regarding cash balances.
  • Retirement Office staff policy and procedures handbook
  • Proposed Newton Retirement Board Travel Regulations sent to PERAC for review/approval on November 30, 2023.
  • Notification to Group 4 members regarding pre-employment physicals being mandatory to retire under the heart, lung and cancer presumption; monthly meeting with Human Resources

Council on Aging and Advisory Board will meet on Tuesday:

  • Senior Services and COA 2024 priorities
  • Updates on NewCAL and Needs Assessment project

Newton Housing Partnership will meet on Tuesday:

  • Staff Updates
  • SHI Safe Harbor Update
  • Mitigation Fees
  • Real Estate Transfer Fee
  • Coordination with Affordable Housing Trust and Fair Housing Committee.

Chestnut Hill Historic District Commission will conduct a site visit on Wednesday at 26 Suffolk Road to review proposed location for new sign.

Design Review Committee – Countryside School Building Committee will meet on Wednesday:

  • DRC – Countryside School: Exterior Design Update, Materials and Embodied Carbon, and Design Review of Select Interior Spaces.

Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Wednesday:

  • Request for a Comprehensive Permit, pursuant to Chapter 40B, to construct a six-story all-residential development with 244 residential units on 5.82 acres of land located at 528 Boylston Street0, 502- 504, 516 Boylston Street0 Hagan Road; and 24-26, 32-34 Hurley Place in the SR1, SR2 Zoning Districts. The proposal includes 61 affordable units and 385 parking stalls. See Planning Memo.
  • Discussion and/or adopion of changes to the City of Newton Rules of the Zoning Board of Appeals, any necessary briefing from the Law Department about items in litigation.

Newton Citizens Commission on Energy will meet on Wednesday:

  • Continue and complete discussion of efforts & priorities for 2024 and beyond
  • BERDO update
  • Residential sector action update
  • Adjournment

Sustainable Materials Management Commission will meet on Thursday:

  • Presentation on pilot reusable lunch containers at NNHS
  • Introduction of SMMC members and Officer elections
  • Discussion of EPA hierarchy vote to adopt
  • SMMD Update

Newton Historical Commission will meet on Thursday:


City Council Leadership sent this memo to the Council to inform Councilors of several initiatives: opportunity to tour the school buildings and a budget preview in February, and opportunities for Council appointments to Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Working Groups, and positions for Council representation. Also reminders for special meetings (Meeting regarding state of the schools with the School Committee on Wednesday), upcoming events, and other administrative information.

Chief Information Officer sent this memo to the Council suggesting the Council move to webinar format for hybrid meetings due to a recent Zoom bombing incident at the Public Safety and Transportation Committee meeting.

Curbside collection of yard waste has been extended through January 26.

This week’s road construction schedule.

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