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NewCAL receives City Council approval

The City Council approved virtually all aspects of the NewCAL project — the site plan review, funding, and acquisition of the adjacent two-family house — at its Full Council meeting on Monday, August 8. The site plan, recommended by the Design Review Committee, was reviewed and approved by the Public Facilities Committee through the 5-58 Site Plan Approval Process. The acquisition of the adjacent two-family house at 47 Walnut Place — by purchase or friendly eminent domain, using ARPA funds — was approved by the Programs and Services Committee, and the request for authorization to expend $19.5M in bonding was approved by Public Facilities and the Finance Committee.

The total cost for the project includes not only $19.5M in bonding but also the following from ARPA funds allocated to the City: $1.5M for purchase of the two-family house at 47 Walnut Place and $500,000 for design funds (announced in September 2021).

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