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Public Facilities – 12/06/2023 Report

The Public Facilities Committee voted to Approve (see Report and watch the NewTV video):

  • Grant of location to install and maintain a gas main in Chestnut Hill Road. According to the report, neighbors are concerned that the work be coordinated with planned road repaving. The Committee voted to approve 5-0-2, Leary and Kelley abstaining.
  • Request for water main extensions and granting of water easement in Tower Road for the Northland Project. Accoding to the report, the attorney for the petitioner stated that the extension will provied looping for the area of Newton Upper Falls and will improve the capacity and flow in the area, as well as going to Mechanic Street. City Engineer stated that the DPW is working with the MBTA to obtain permits to cross the Greenway with a new water main. The Committee voted to approve 7-0.
  • Reappointment of Miles Smith, Sunwoo Kahng, and Marian Rambelle to the Sustainable Materials Management Commission. The Committee voted to approve 7-0.
  • Appointment of Philip Hanser to the Citizens Commission on Energy. The Committee voted to approve 7-0.
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