The City’s Planning Department and design consultant, Howard Stein Hudson, has developed alternative concepts for the Washington Street Pilot Project that were shared at the November 30 public meeting. The Washington Street Pilot Project is based on the Washington Vision Plan — an amendment to the City’s Comprehensive plan adopted in 2019 and intended to be used by the City Council and City departments “to inform discussions about public investments and to guide private development to align with Newton’s priorities.” The Planning Department encourages residents to share their opinions, preferences, and comments on these concepts by participating in this survey by December 17.
Previous surveys (one for residents and one for business owners) conducted in June 2023 were used to inform the development of the current concepts.
The concepts presented at the November 30 meeting include the following:
Chestnut Street to Armory Street:

Armory to Lowell:

The survey asks for feedback on each of the concepts:
Concept 1: One-Way Separated Bike Lanes:

Concept 2: North Side Two-Way Separated Bike Lane

Concept 3: South Side Two-Way Shared Use Path

Concept 4: Boulevard with Two-Way Shared Use Path

Host Community Agreement revenue from retail cannabis stores is being used to fund the design work for this project, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds will be used for construction.