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Global Day of Action Against Nuclear Weapons, Nov. 26

Newton Dialogues on Peace and War, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, and Massachusetts Peace Action are organizing a local demonstration on November 26, joining with other world wide demonstrations supporting the Global Day Of Action Against Nuclear Weapons that day.

Join this local demonstration at the corner of Beacon and Center Streets in Newton Centre on Sunday, November 26, 2023 from 12PM to 1PM to advocate for the global elimination of nuclear weapons.

The risk of nuclear war is rising daily. To prevent nuclear Armageddon, we must take action to eliminate nuclear weapons. Sunday, November 26, will be a Global Day Of Action Against Nuclear Weapons. This global day of action supports the nations and states which are gathering at the United Nations to promote the Treaty for The Prevention of Nuclear War (TPNW) and work towards global elimination of nuclear weapons.

We will demand that the United States take action towards the global elimination of nuclear weapons. To turn our words into action, we will rally to make our demands public. We will send petitions to Congress and the President which call for support for House Resolution 77, which calls on Congress and President Biden to take action and work towards signing the treaty for the (TPNW). We will also call for Congress to pass the Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Conversion Act of 2023.

Our rally will be one of many hundreds around the world calling for governments to make progress towards the verifiable elimination of nuclear weapons.

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