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Land Use Committee – 10/24/23 Report

The Land Use Committee voted to Approve (see Report):

  • Installation of a pool and hot tub at 26 Magnolia Avenue. Inspectional Services sought LUC opinion on the proposal. LUC approved with a straw vote (5-1-1, Councilor Kelly opposed, Councilor Downs abstaining) No petition documents were included.
  • Extension of Time to Exercise Special Permit #414-22 at 35 Bracebridge Road in Ward 6 (7-0) to raze and reconstruct deck and garage. No petition documents were included.
  • Request to rezone 11 Florence Street from Multi Residence 1 to Business Use 4 and 318 Boylston Street from Business Use 2 to Business Use 4 in Ward 8 (7-0) to construct Elderly Housing with services. As part of Council Order: Sidewalks along Route 9 will be updated, construction vehicles will be prohibited from idling and AC units will go on the roof. A petition will be made to the traffic council to remove 4 parking spots on Florence Street. Petition Documents

The Land Use Committee Held:

  • A request to amend Special Permit #67-20 to allow a Medical Marijuana Treatment Center at 1089 Washington Street in Ward 3 (7-0) Neighbors complained about parking, trash, and pot smoking on site. Petitioner withdrew the request. Petition Documents
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