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RightSize Newton: MBTA Communities now, VCOD later

As our website, states, RightSize Newton feels that we should implement the MBTA Communities Law and postpone the VCOD plan.

“By law, we have until December 31, 2023, to comply with the MBTA law, which means that we need to zone for 8,330 units by that date. That’s what we should concentrate on now and put the VCOD zoning on a temporary hold in the other 7 villages that are not affected by it. The city does not seem to have plans for accommodating this increase in density and population that we will incur.  We need to start planning for that now. Once we start to see how the results of this zoning affects the city, we should then revisit the VCOD zoning.”

Newton doesn’t have a plan for growth. Will we be able to afford the increased public services we will need? Increased population puts a strain on our public facilities, fields, schools, city services, traffic congestion, and more. We will undoubtedly need to hire additional employees – police, fire, teachers and other public employees. Will the planned senior center be able to handle the increased capacity?

The VCOD’s affordable housing does not provide enough housing for low-income earners.

We aren’t addressing the result of increased development on climate change. It will create heat islands, cause mature trees to be cut down and create waste when tearing down existing buildings. It is our responsibility to see that the net long-term effects of our actions have a positive effect on climate change.

We need to garner results of the MBTA Communities Law before we zone for thousands of more units.  Newton will be forever changed. We should slow down and plan our growth in stages while evaluating and learning from previous stages.

Diane Pruente
RightSize Newton

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