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Goldin: How I am voting

There are important races in this election, but the ballots aren’t clear.

For At-Large City Council races, the ballot instructs “Vote for TWO.” However, you can vote for one candidate or none. All Newton voters can vote in All of the At-Large races. However, if you vote for only ONE candidate, you show your support and improve their chance of winning.

I will vote for Pam Wright, my Councilor at Large, and she’s great. If you watch ZAP or City Council meetings, you’ll see Pam introduce thoughtful amendments with full data and analysis to support her suggestions. I’m also voting for Rena Getz (At-Large Ward 5) and Alan Lobovits (At-Large Ward 6). Rena and Alan, like Pam, are people who ensure that residents’ voices are heard and information is shared transparently.

We need new energy with different points of view to challenge the current entrenched majority. Frankly, I’m tired of hearing the majority of councilors during ZAP meetings vote all together, and cite reasons, such as “Developers won’t want to build this if it’s not zoned as VC3,” or “We need to incentivize developers.” We need more thoughtful leadership – representatives who use critical thinking and respect their constituents’ concerns.

The race for Ward Councilor is at the bottom of page two! It’s easily missed. 

For Ward Councilor, voters only vote for their ward. I will vote for Julia Malakie, Ward 3. She’s a shining example of an ethical, hardworking, and brilliant representative. Even though I can’t vote for them, I support Lisa Gordon, Ward 6, for the knowledge and empathy she uses to bring people together. Randy Block, Ward 4, is compassionate and thoughtful. Stephen Farrell, Ward 8, has wisdom and experience. David Micley, Ward 2, is intelligent, energetic, and kind. These are outstanding candidates and soon-to-be councilors. Vote!

Shari Goldin
West Newton

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