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Day & Goldbach: VCOD — So many open questions

Multiple concerns and issues regarding the VCOD must still be addressed. Ultimately, the City Council should separately vote on compliance with the MBTA Communities Act and provisions of the VCOD. 

Numerous Questions: What is the projected target population for Newton? What will be the impact on services, including schools, parking, police, fire, waste management, etc.? How many new units will be affordable, and where will they be allocated? Why should we exceed the mandated 8,330 units required by the MBTA Communities Act?

Transportation: The MBTA Community Act relies on a public transportation system that does not effectively serve the majority of Newton residents. We need traffic studies for each village in light of the projected development plans. 

Building Heights: Every additional story of proposed buildings has a direct impact on our villages by reducing sunlight, removing tree canopy and increasing a sense of overcrowding. 

Equity: The VCOD disproportionately impacts less affluent villages and villages on the commuter rail as compared to villages on the Green line.

Developers: The current special permit process fails to demand sufficient accountability from private developers. By-right development for all but the larger developments will perpetuate this problem. 

Small Businesses: The small businesses in the village centers contribute to the unique charm and character of the individual villages. The VCOD will encourage tear downs, putting their survival in jeopardy. We have already seen chain stores move into new construction in Newtonville.

One potential solution is public-private partnerships, with greater involvement from state and federal governments, and increased emphasis on significantly more affordable housing units. The $4 billion proposed by Healey for affordable housing may serve as a promising step. 

We sincerely hope that all City Council members will take these concerns and recommendations into consideration and will vote against the VCOD.

Thank you,

Rose Day

Anne Goldbach

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