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Towvim: Doris Ann Sweet for Ward 4 City Councilor

I am delighted to support Doris Ann Sweet for Ward 4 City Councilor. I have been lucky to spend time with Doris Ann in the past few months and believe she will be an excellent city councilor.  She is knowledgeable and thoughtful, is an active listener and data-informed problem solver, and has deep compassion for others.

A research librarian, Doris Ann spent her 46-year career understanding people’s needs, researching, and connecting people with information. She enjoys and excels at helping others; assisting residents in navigating city issues and resources will be second nature to her.

Doris Ann lives her values and has made a positive impact on many people’s lives. Believing deeply in human dignity, she co-manages the United Parish of Auburndale’s Harwood Fund, assisting residents with resources during difficult times.

Doris Ann sees the possibilities of change and brings an optimistic outlook to problem solving needed to effectively tackle Newton’s complex challenges. A founder of Engine 6 Newton Housing Advocates, Doris Ann is committed to a Newton open to young families, seniors who want to downsize, and those who cannot afford market rate housing. As part of an Engine 6 effort, nine formerly unhoused people now have roofs over their heads and a welcoming community at Newton’s Golda Meir house in Ward 4. Doris Ann is also deeply committed to environmental sustainability, improving public transit, making the city more walkable and bikeable, and preserving green spaces.

Doris Ann has earned the endorsements of State Representative Kay Khan and 13 of the 24 current City Councilors who understand that she will bring a positive, collegial voice to the City Council. I agree – Doris Ann will do an excellent job representing Ward 4 and I encourage Ward 4 residents to join me in voting for her.

Laura Towvim

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