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Public Safety and Transportation – 10/4/2023 Report

The Public Safety and Transportation Committee voted No Action Necessary on the following (see Report and watch NewTV video):

  • Discussion regarding the security measures and any incidents during the 2023 Boston Marathon. The Chair noted that the Committee had previously discussed the item in June, leaving the Human Rights Commission, the Mayor, and the Police chief to work with running clubs and report back. Director of Community Engagement and Inclusion reported that there was a meeting and a proposal for a “fun run” was discussed and rejected as “performative”. A suggestion by the running groups was for the Mayor to join them on Heartbreak Hill next year which was agreed. Further discussion will be made between the running clubs and the BAA and the City will be invited to participate. The Committee voted No Action Necessary 7-0, Councilor Oliver not voting.

The Committee voted to deny the following:

  • Petition request to repeal overnight winter parking ban. See report or watch video for details of the discussion. The Law Department explained there were three actions the Committee to take that evening – given the signatures had been certified and the 30-day time to act requirementwas in play.
    • Approve the initiative petition
    • Reject the petition
    • Approve an amendment or change to the overnight winter parking ban without repealing it entirely. If the Committee chooses option 3, that will be deemed a denial under the City Charter, and will allow the petitioners to obtain the 5% additional signatures, within 40 days, required to place the question on the next regular municipal ballot in 2025.

A motion to approve the initiative petition as written failed – 0-7, Bowman not voting. The Chair Downs made a motion to approve a two-year trial which failed 2-5, Oliver, Lucas, Malakie, Markiewicz and Grossman opposed, Bowman not voting.

The item goes before the full City Council at Monday night’s meeting (October 16).

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