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City Council Meetings – Week of 10/8/2023

Finance will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, October 10 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following requests:

  • Establish an “Operations Booster Stabilization Fund” to pay for a portion of the annual general fund appropriations for the City’s pension system; appropriate the sum of $20,500,000 Overlay Surplus as declared by the City’s Board of Assessors to the Operations Booster Stabilization Fund; and transfer the sum of $5,513,000 from the Appellate Tax Board Interest and Penalties Fund to the Operations Booster Stabilization Fund. See Councilor Humphrey’s Memo.
  • Transfer $50,000 from the Water Services Connections – Full Time Wages Account to settle Worker’s Compensation Claim. (NOTE: A motion for Executive Session may be entertained.)

Zoning and Planning will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, October 10 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following request:

Chair’s Note: The Chair will entertain a motion to set a new public hearing date for the
following request:

  • Amend the City of Newton’s Zoning Map by changing the current zoning of the property known as and numbered 132 Charles Street, Section 41, Block 06, Lots 14 currently zoned Multi-Residence 1 and Manufacturing, and Section 41, Block 06, Lot 26, currently zoned Manufacturing to Mixed Use 1. See Planning Memo and Planning Board Recommendation.

Financial Audit Advisory Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, October 11 at 8AM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Preliminary Audit Work Performed To-Date
  • Update on Year-End Phase of the Audit
  • Special Projects Update
  • Single Audit/ Federal Grants Status
  • Timing of Final Reports/ Meeting schedule
  • Questions/Concerns
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