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Finance – 9/28/2023 Report

The Finance Committee voted to approve the following (see Report):

  • Request to accept $5,000 and two pieces of artwork for the Department of Senior Services. According to the report, the art pieces are assessed at $23,000 and $10,000 and can be sold after three years. The Committee voted to approve 6-0, Gentile not voting.
  • Request to appropritate $10,831.12 from Handicapped Parking Fines/Commission on Disability account to be used at the Williams Elementary School for accessible playground equipment. The Committee voted to approve 7-0.
  • Request to accept $427,454.54 from an Assistance to Firefighter Grant to be used on officer training, new RIT Packs, and a new cascade breathing air system. The Committee voted to approve 7-0.

The Finance Committee voted to hold the following:

  • Request to establish and appropriate funds to an Operations Booster Stabilization Fund. The Fund would create an ongoing funding source for the Newton Schools over 8 years, while maintaining pension system funding on current schedule. The City has not looked at spending the funds on infrastructure. Some Councilors expressed concern that the fund could become a slush fund for future administrations. The Committee voted to hold the item 5-2, Councilors Grossman and Norton opposed.
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