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Better Bus Project?

The MBTA is overhauling its bus network system with a “Bus Network Redesign” described by the MBTA as a “once-in-a-generation opportunity.” The MBTA is proposing improvements to the bus network and has been holding public meetings since May.

The proposed changes that would impact Newton’s bus service can be found here. The Mayor and the City Council submitted this letter expressing their concerns with the proposed changes, and the Charles River Chamber expressed its concerns here. The City’s Transportation Advisory Group (TAG), initially sent a letter to the Mayor and an email to Councilors supporting many of the changes proposed by the MBTA but then sent a follow-up email recognizing that they may need to “redouble” efforts to “acknowledge all constituencies and needs” if they had initially failed to do so.

TAG met on July 13 and discussed in more detail some of the proposed changes and additional changes they would like to see that they believe will make the bus plan even better — and better for more users. (See Final July 13, 2022 Meeting Minutes.)

The MBTA expects to review and incorporate feedback obtained from recent public meetings and share it with the public in Fall 2022. There’s a public survey form, and comments can be submitted by email to, by voicemail at 617-222-3011, or by written mail to: MBTA (ATTN: Victoria Ireton); 10 Park Plaza, Suite 3830; Boston, MA 02116.

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