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Programs and Services – 8/16/2023 Report

The Programs and Services Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch the video on NewTV’s YouTube Channel):

  • Appointment of Janet Huettig and Dr. Carolyn Bernstein to the Health and Human Services Advisory Council (7-0, Councilor Noel not voting)

The Programs and Services Committee held the following:

  • Request for Amendment to Chapter 21, Art III Trees to extend tree protection and update permits (7-0, Councilor Noel not voting)

Public hearing:  4 spoke for the Newton Cemetery exemption in the draft proposal, 2 spoke against it; 1 spoke for the exemption if a tree is removed for ecological benefit; 1 for solar panel tree removal; 6 in favor of the proposed ordinance; 1 opposed; 1 expanded with bigger fees; 1 spoke for more nuance in ordinance.

The Programs and Services Committee voted to deny the following:

  • Request to place a nonbinding advisory question on the ballot: “Should the Newton City Council vote to adopt a zoning ordinance for Newton village commercial centers so that parcels under 30,000 square feet would have the opportunity to be redeveloped to construct multi-family housing, or a mix of businesses and multi-family housing, in buildings up to 3.5 to 4.5 stories high, without requiring onsite parking and prior approval from the City Council?” (6-2, Councilor Baker and Wright opposed)
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