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Programs and Services – 6/7/2023 Report

The Programs & Services Committee voted to approve (see Report and watch the NewTV video):

  • Appointment of Sean Dazet to Dogs Off-Leash Advisory Committee (6-0, Councilors Baker and Wright Not Voting)
  • Appointment of Stephen Logowitz and Harold W. Adams to the Community Education Commission (6-0, Councilors Baker and Wright Not Voting)
  • Request for a salary increase for City Clerk/Clerk of the City Council (6-0, Councilors Baker and Wright Not Voting) to provide the City Clerk with the cost of living rise that all H-grade employees receive.(6-0, Councilors Baker and Wright Not Voting)
  • Request to appropriate $250,000 for Election Equipment to replace 32 current voting machines as well as one high-speed tabulator to address the increase in vote-by-mail processing. Larger screens for voters to see ballot was accepted and backup machines. (6-0, Councilors Baker and Wright Not Voting)
  • Request to appropriate funds for the Athletic Fields CIP Construction Phase III project CPC funds $4,099,787 combined with a 15-year bond for $5,000,000 to result in a total CPA funding of $9,099,787. “Nicole Banks, Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Culture stated that this request is not for any artificial turf with Ms. Kritzer noting that no CPA funding can be used for artificial turf. Luis Perez Demorizi, Director of Parks and Open Space, noted that if the Council decides to prohibit artificial turf fields the Department will amend the Albemarle project to include a grass field. (7-0, Councilor Baker Not Voting)

The Programs & Services Committee voted to Hold: 

  • Request for an amendment to Chapter 21, Art III Trees to extend tree protection and update permits (8-0) Straw votes taken:
    • Sec 21-85(c) Cemetery Exemption: to adopt the cemetery exemption as part of the draft ordinance. Councilors voted 6-2 (Councilors Ryan and Wright Opposed)
    • Definitions and 21-85(b)(3) The Committee voted unanimously to amend the definitions of Significant, Landmark, and Legacy trees to have the greatest Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of one category be equal to the least DBH of the next category of tree.
    • Fees: Committee members voted unanimously for a fee based on the “City’s current cost to purchase, install, maintain trees for the first five years, and includes the environmental impact of the removed trees.” The Tree Warden will also be required to update and publish this cost annually.
  • Request for Review and Amendments to Chapter 21, Art. III, Division 3 – Tree Preservation to increase replacement requirements for larger trees, add protections for smaller trees, limit removal of trees without replacement, enhance procedures for protecting trees, increase payment required for trees cut without replacement, protect trees on lots adjacent to construction, provide Tree Warden with additional professional input on trees on private properties. (8-0)
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