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Virtual Town Hall on Eldercare: “What to expect and what you need to know”, June 5

The Upper Middlesex Commission on the Status of Women is hosting a Virtual Town Hall on Eldercare: “What to expect and what you need to know” on Monday, June 5, 2023, from 6PM – 7:30PM (see Flyer). The event will bring together experts and state legislators to discuss current legislation focused on eldercare including evaluation, care management, caregiver support, access to free and fee-based services, and how to advocate for eldercare employee benefits. Speakers include:

  • Jennifer Roecklein-Canfield, Ph.D., Regional Commissioner
  • State Senator Jason Lewis
  • Kelly Magee-Wright, Minuteman Elder Services
  • Dr. Julie Norstrand, Newton Council on Aging: HelpMyAgingParents, LLC

The Commission is inviting all to complete this Planning for Caregiving survey.

Register for the event here.

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