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Board and Commission Meetings – Week of 5/21/2023

Newton Cultural Council will meet in person (1294 Centre Street) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, May 22 at 5:30PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Treasurer report
  • Community Input Survey – finalize and create a distribution plan
  • Commentary about grantee events attended by council members
  • Review and discussion of final report submissions
  • Recap of MCC community webinar and discussion regarding Youth Members

Council on Aging and Advisory Board will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, May 23 at 7:30PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Senior Services FY 2024 Budget, report on Program and Services hearing on 5/17, and NewMO update
  • Needs Assessment Project — what’s next
  • NewCAL update
  • Older Adult Housing — Village Center Zoning 2.0 and the MBTA Communities Law
  • June Y/E meeting

Designer Selection Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, May 23 at 6PM. The agenda includes the following:

Franklin Elementary School Project Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) Selection Interviews:

  • Selection Interviews:
    • 6:00 pm CHA Consulting, Inc.
    • 7:00 pm LeftField, LLC
    • 8:00 pm NV5 Consultants, Inc.
    • 9:00 pm — Review, Score, Rank, and Recommend the firm to be selected.

Newton Retirement Board will meet in person (Room 211) on Wednesday, May 24 at 9AM. The agenda includes the following:

  • New Agenda Items:
    • Receipt of an accidental disability retirement application from retired police officer
    • City of Newton Treasurer Ron Mendes to provide update re: Eastern Bank’s VERIBANC rating
    • Retiree Insurance changes/PTG update
    • Newton Retirement Board’s policy on “Regular Compensation Status Of Payments Made In Lieu Of Taking Vacation Leave”
    • School Health Assistant position/ Newton Retirement Board’s policy on “Regular Compensation Status Of Payments Made In Lieu Of Taking Vacation Leave”
    • Superior Officer payments for retroactive contract settlement
  • Administrative Items:
    • Monthly financial reporting for month ending March 2023
    • Board to approve new members as indicated on list provided in Board Member’s monthly packet
    • Review of new application(s) for superannuation retirement
    • Approval of expense warrants
    • Receipt of request for member survivor allowance pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 32, s.12(2)(d).
  • Pending Agenda items:
    • Pre-employment physicals – Chairman Lopez’ update re: March 16, 2023 request for meeting with Mayor Fuller
    • 5% Local COLA Option-Memo provided to Mayor Fuller on February 22, 2023
    • FY24 COLA Increase
    • 4/10/23 Request to City Council for approval of incremental increase to COLA Base ($1000 per year from FY24-FY26), 6.6% growth rate, fully funded date of FY32
    • System Actuary Kathleen Riley of Segal to attend meeting to discuss January 2023 Actuarial Valuation
    • 4/20/23 Request to PERAC for clarification re: “Once a Member Always a Member”– Supreme Judicial Court’s decision in Retirement Board of Stoneham v. Contributory Retirement Appeal Board & another SJC-12098 December 22, 2016.
    • MA Public Records law – Exemption O
    • Current status of pending disability retirement applications – informational only
    • Current status of pending appeal cases – The Board may enter Executive Session for reason 3 under G.L. c.30A s.21

Newton Free Library Board of Trustees will meet in person (Trustees Room) and virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, May 24 at 4:30PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Reports:
    • President
    • Director
      • Building and Grounds Update
      • Funding Priorities and upcoming projects
    • Nominating and Governance Committee
      • Director Review suggestions
    • Finance Committee
      • Draft FY24 Trustee Budget
    • Development Committee
      • Spring Fling
      • Annual Goals for FY24
  • Visitors Discussion

Zoning Board of Appeals will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, May 24 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Two Public Hearings:
    • Request for a variance from Section 7.6 of the Newton Zoning Ordinance to allow a rear setback of 8.4 feet where a rear setback of 15 feet is required and to allow a 42.1% lot coverage where a lot coverage of 30% is required in order to construct a one-story addition to provide an accessible living space at 25 Breamore Road.
    • Request for a Comprehensive Permit, pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40B, to construct a six-story all-residential development with 244 residential units (61 affordable units and 385 parking stalls) on 5.82 acres of land located at 528 Boylston Street; 0, 502-504, 516 Boylston Street; 0 Hagan Road; and 24-26, 32-34 Hurley Place – see Permit documents.

See Meeting Packet.

Conservation Commission will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, May 25 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

See Meeting Packet.

Newton Historical Commission will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, May 25 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

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