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What’s Up in Newton this week – 5/7/2023

=>Key Points This Week<=

Budget reviews this week:

  • School budget: On Tuesday, and possibly Wednesday if needed, with Finance and Programs & Services
  • Comptroller/Retirement Treasurer Purchasing: TONIGHT with the Finance Committee
  • Public Buildings Department: Thursday with the Public Facilities Committee.

The new Village Center Zoning maps (and compliance with MBTA Communities Act) will be discussed TONIGHT at Zoning and Planning Committee.

City Council will continue its Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss Retirement’s Board request for COLA increase as well as substantive discussion regarding one-time funds.

Public Facilities Committee will hold a public hearing on the Gath Pool Project on Thursday.

Public Hearing on Warren House project for $2.1 million to replace windows and perform masonry repairs at the former Levi F. Warren Junior High School on Tuesday.

City Council

Zoning and Planning Committee will meet TONIGHT to discuss Village Center Zoning and state guidance on compliance with the Housing Choice of the MA Economic Development legislation. See the 104-page Planning Department memo.

Finance will meet TONIGHT to discuss:

  • Two Mass Cultural Council grant acceptance requests: $2,500 for Family FunFEST (May 13 and 14) and $15,830 to support Cultural Development for COVID recovery efforts
  • Request to transfer $1,500,000 from DPW Admin-Full Time Salaries Account to DPW Admin-Paving Supplies Account to allow DPW to reach the target spending of $9.5 million for FY23
  • Request to appropriate $1,000,000 from Free Cash to DPW to fund vehicle replacement
  • Request to transfer $21,950 from City Council-Full Time Salaries to City Council-Software Maintenance Account to fund the purchase of an Online Code Management program
  • Department Budgets and CIP discussions will include the following:

Finance and Programs and Services will meet on Tuesday to discuss department budgets and CIP for the School Department. See Message from the School Department and Budget Resolution regarding Understanding Our Differences.

Finance and Programs and Services will meet again on Wednesday (if needed) to continue those discussions.

City Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole on Wednesday to discuss:

  • Request by the Retirement Board to approve an increase to the retiree Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) base from $12,000 to $13,000 in FY2024, from $13,000 to $14,000 in FY2025, and from $14,000 – $15,000 in FY2026 pursuant to Chapter 32, Section 103(j) effective July 1, 2023. See Actuary Memo.
  • Request for a comprehensive discussion with the Mayor regarding all one-time funds including discussion about:
    • Request to appropriate and expend $1,400,000 from FY2022 Free Cash to provide a “bridge grant” to Newton Public Schools for the expected significant increase in student out-of-district cost in FY2024 (Docket No. 125-23)
    • Request to appropriate and expend $10,000,000 in FY2022 Free Cash for the Lincoln-Eliot Elementary School construction project (Docket No. 127-23).

Public Facilities will meet on Thursday to:

  • Public hearing on the Gath Pool Renovation project and a consider a request for $5,834,262 for Phase III of the project
  • Department Budgets and CIP discussions will include the following:


School Committee will meet in person (Education Center, Room 210) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, May 7 at 6:30PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Interim Superintendent Update, Cabot PTO 1-Day Liquor License; Teaching & Learning – Science and Social Studies Goals and School Councils/School Improvement Plan Goals; and Advanced Placement (AP) Tests Analysis

Underwood and Ward Facility and Enrollment Study Task Force will meet on:

  • Review Working Agreements
  • Confirm Mission and Guiding Principles
  • Change and Transition Discussion
  • Educational Program Introduction
  • Strengths and Challenges of Small Schools
  • Historic and Projected Enrollment & Methodology
  • Next Meeting Topics and Materials
  • Educational Program

Boards and Commissions

Commission on Disability will meet on Monday:

  • CDBG Report; FY25 CDBG-Funded Project Ideas; Me2/ Concert Wrap-Up, and Project Ideas for MOD Grant

Board of Licensing Commissioners will meet on Tuesday:

  • Request for four One-Day Temporary Entertainment Licenses:
    • Live musical theater performances to be held at War Memorial, Newton City Hall (May 13 and 14)
    • Family Funfest festival to be held at Newton City Hall (May 13 and May 14)

Newton Free Library Board of Trustees – Nominating and Governance Committee will meet on Tuesday: Policy review update; Trustee terms/vacancies, Feedback regarding Trustees and processes

Community Preservation Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 9: Public Hearing on the Warren House Preservation and Rehabilitation Project ($2,100,000 in Historic Resource Funding)

Economic Development Commission will meet on Tuesday: California Street study, presentation by Utile; City Updates and EDC Discussion on Strengthening Village Centers; Village Center re-zoning (v 2.0 maps), BERDO. Water Bottle Ban; Economic Strategy

Design Review Committee will meet on Wednesday: NewCAL – 95% Construction Documents and Lincoln-Eliot – Exterior Design Update and Exterior Wall Assembly and Thermal Performance (Addition Only)

Newton Youth Commission will meet on Wednesday: Mental Health Awareness Month – Teen/Parent Workshop with Samaritans

Newton Human Rights Commission will meet on Thursday and discuss Honoree(s) for the Pride celebration scheduled for June 1 on the South Lawn at City Hall.

Newton Upper Falls Historic District Commission will meet on Thursday:

  • Renovation of an existing house and addition with an attached garage at 14 Summer Street
  • Addition of a second-story rear addition and demolition of a shed at 1036-1038 Chestnut Street 

Waban Area Council will meet on Thursday:

  • Waban Village Day – Sunday, May 21, 2023
  • Update on Landmark considerations held at NHC Meeting – Thursday, April 27, 2023
  • Village Center Rezoning – City of Newton’s compliance with the MBTA Communities Act
  • Waban Area Council discussion with Peter Harrington on proposed VCOD Zoning


Budget documents: See FY2024 Municipal Budget, FY2024 School Committee’s Proposed Budget, Comptroller’s Budget Analysis, and City Council Budget Calendar

Running for Office: The municipal election for all seats on the City Council and School Committee will be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Residents who wish to be candidates for these seats must go to the City Clerk’s office to take out nomination papers — which became available the first weekday of May — and then gather signatures. The City offers information on running for office. Also, the website of the League of Women Voters of Newton has a video of a recent workshop for prospective candidates along with links to related resources.

This week’s road construction schedule can be found here.

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