On Monday April 17 — Patriots Day — Newton will be divided, not by politics or controversy, but by the five miles of the 26.2 mile Boston Marathon that run through our city each year. With the 127th Boston Marathon come road closures that split Newton — from Lower Falls along Washington Street/Route 16 and then turning onto Commonwealth Avenue at the fire house, and on to Boston College. (See full list of road closures). Note that trash pick up will be delayed a day this week.
According to the BAA Spectator guide race route closures start at 7AM and run through 4:45PM. According to the Newton Police, the closures will run from 8:00 AM-6:00 PM. Experience has shown the police see 8 AM as a “no later than”, and ensure the course is fully secure before then, so be sure to be on the side you need to be on Monday morning.
Closures on major north-south streets — such as Walnut, Chestnut, Center, and Grant — will be set back significantly from the course to allow for proper detours. These closures can disrupt GPS routes used by ride-hailing services, contractors, as well as friends coming to visit to watch the race.

If you want to get from the south side of the city to the north, the only route is to take Rte 9 West, I-95 North, and the Mass. Pike (I-90) East to Newton Corner. Traveling south, one can get on Rte 95 South from either Commonwealth Avenue (west of the fire house) or the Mass. Pike (I-90).
According to the BAA spectator guide, the wheelchair racers will arrive at Mile 21 (Heartbreak Hill) at 10:06AM, with the lead men and women arriving around 11:16AM and 11:40AM respectively. Follow along with the BAA race app.
Note that there will also be significant low-flying helicopter activity as security officials establish a radiation level baseline map from which any change on race day could be detected.
You can support the efforts of any of the 40 runners listed by the Mayor’s office as fundraisers for charitable causes by making tax-deductible donations — perhaps matched by your employer.
The Newton Police remind spectators that no alcohol consumption is allowed along the course…
and that spectators should also not bring fireworks, drones, coolers, large blankets, luggage, packages, weapons, costumes or props of any kind…
and finally, Leo says…”if you see something, say something…”: