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Public Facilities – 3/8/2023 Report

The Public Facilities Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch the video on NewTV):

  • Request for a grant of location in California Street at the Bridge Street intersection to relocate an existing regulator station located at the intersection of California Street and Bridge Street along with a traffic box and three vent poles. NOTE: It was pointed out that the new regulator station will improve system reliability and bring it up to current regulatory and safety standards.
  • Request to appropriate and expend a total of $4,340,000 (.i.e., $3,255,00 in grant funding and $1,085,00 in an interest-free loan) from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) Sewer Infiltration/Inflow Local Financial Assistance Program Phase 14 for the design and construction of the Sewer CIP Project. NOTE: It was explained that Area 9 is the Oak Hill Park, Wells Ave, and Nahanton Street area and that this area will require extra work because there are multiple sewer mains that need to be replaced.
  • Reappointments of Meryl Kessler and Carl Valente to the Sustainable Materials Management Commission

The Committee voted No Action Necessary on the following item:

  • Eversource petition for Grant of Location in Centre Street. NOTE: The Chair explained that this petition was withdrawn by Eversource and there were no plans to move this project forward at this time.
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