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Music Mondays: Thoreau Duo, violin & cello, Mar. 27

Music Mondays is excited to present Thoreau Duo: Susan Jensen (violin) and Rebecca Thornblade (cello) on Monday March 27, 2PM-3PM at the Scandinavian Cultural Center, Nordic Hall (206 Waltham Road, Newton). Please join us live or by Zoom

Thoreau Duo consists of two terrific musicians who are also Newton residents. Jensen, a former violinist in the Esterhazy Quartet, has performed with international opera legends and popular and rock musicians, and for film and television composing greats. She has commissioned, premiered, and recorded substantial works such Bill Alves’ Grammy-nominated Violin and Gamelan Concerto. Thornblade is a grand prize winner of the Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition who has performed with the Fry Street and Avalon quartets, and was principal cellist of the New World Symphony and the Civic Orchestra of Chicago. Thoreau Duo will perform Bach, Couperin, Handl, Haydn, Beethoven, Bartok, and Piazzolla. As always, admission is free but donations are appreciated, all of which will go 100% to the musicians. We accept donations in person by cash or check to “Music Mondays, Inc.” or by Venmo @Music-Mondays or Zelle to (To send a check by mail, email us at for the mailing address.)

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