Highlights this week…
- City Council …considering revision to allow a 4-story, 13-unit development at 386-390 Watertown Street in Nonantum (Land Use narrowly decided not to recommend)
- Public Safety and Transportation …considering changes to residential parking programs and fees
- State Rep. Amy Sangiolo …holding office hours Friday, 11AM-12:30PM at City Hall, Rm. 211.
City Council
City Council will meet on Monday and is expected to vote on the following (see Reports Docket):
- Special Permit Requests:
- Allow a system of retaining walls exceeding four feet in height and extend the non-conforming front setback at 10 Nonantum Street
- Allow an oversized internal accessory apartment at 2077 Washington Street
- Rezone 386-390 Watertown Street from Business 1 to Mixed Use (NOTE: Land Use motion to approve failed 3-4-1)
- Construct a four-story mixed use building with 13 residential units with 14 at-grade parking stalls at 386-390 Watertown Street (NOTE: Land Use motion to approve failed 4-4)
- Reappointment of Karine Alexander and Kenneth Lyons to the Boston College Neighborhood Council
- Amendment to the Traffic Council regulations to allow for an appeal on Field Trials
- $1,471,000 plus $204,000 in Community Preservation Act funding from the prior year to rehabilitate the basement of the Jackson Homestead and Museum
- $200,000 from Transportation Network Company Ride Share to supplement funding for the Nahanton Street Pedestrian Improvements project
- $109,930 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection grant for waste reduction
- $50,000 Massachusetts state budget earmark for sidewalk improvements around Underwood Elementary School
- $35,000 state grant for mobile radios and repeaters for Fire Department vehicles, sets of gear, and eye shield protection
- Authorization to enter into a 5-year contract for curbside collection and recycling processing
- Authorization to sell 8 City-owned parking spaces at 25 Chestnut Street, for a minimum of $276,000
- No Action Necessary on the following:
- Discussion with Public Works on stormwater mitigation to improve flooding
- Possible ordinance amendment regarding how water movement between properties is assessed, monitored, and tracked
- Discussion on 5-year curbside collection contract
The New Docket includes the following
- Reappointment of Ann Houston and Peter Sargent to the Newton Affordable Housing Trust
- Reappointment of Jennifer Pucci to the Zoning Board of Appeals
- Appointment of Rabbi Keith Stern as Newton Library Trustee
- Appointment of Patrick Song to the Financial Audit Advisory Committee.
- Request for ordinance amendment to update the City Seal
- Authorization to enter into a 5-year contract related to the City’s Deferred Compensation Plan
- $45,000 and $49,000 to settle two workers’ compensation claims
- Possible ordinance amendments regarding raised beds in the setback
Land Use will meet on Tuesday:
- Consistency ruling to allow for a further increase in lot coverage at 10-14 Mechanic Street
- Special Permit Public Hearings:
- Construct a free-standing sign at the entrance to the property at 7 Hereward Road
- Create a second-story sunroom in the footprint of an existing second-story deck at 16 Pine Ridge Road
- Raze existing dwelling and construct a new single-family dwelling and an inground pool, with retaining walls exceeding four feet in height at 124 Neshobe Road
- Raze existing dwelling and construct four attached single-family dwellings in two separate buildings with dimensional relief and parking relief at 49 Dalby Street
Rules Subcommittee will meet on Wednesday:
- Amendments to process for the Caucus of Councilors-Elect prior to the start of a new term
- Continued discussion on amendments to the Committee meeting schedule
- Continued discussion on balancing the workload among Committees
Programs and Services will meet on Wednesday to consider an ordinance amendment to update the description and image of the City Seal as a new design has been approved.
Public Safety and Transportation will meet on Wednesday to consider possible ordinance changes on residential parking programs and fee structures, as well as the categories and levels of parking fines.
Public Facilities Committee‘s regularly scheduled meeting has been canceled. See Meeting Cancellation Notice.
School Committee
School Committee has no meetings scheduled this week.
Boards and Commissions
Youth Commission will meet on Monday to discuss advisory board subcommittees, budget, and the recent Newton Civic Spotlight event.
Planning and Development Board will meet on Monday to discuss and possibly vote on:
- FY26-FY30 Consolidated Plan (Needs Assessment, Market Analysis, and Strategic Plan)
- Amendments to Newton’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance
- Amendments to enhance the preservation of existing homes
Newton Human Rights Commission‘s regularly scheduled meeting has been canceled.
Election Commission will meet on Tuesday to test ballot machines prior to the March 18 special election.
Fair Housing Committee will meet on Tuesday to discuss FHC Future, Discrimination Study, Fair Housing Training, subcommittee updates, and FHC priorities.
Newton Highlands Neighborhood Area Council will meet on Thursday to discuss Levingston Cove, Highlands Village Day, Northland project, Village Enhancement Project, Village Safety, and staffing for Area Council elections.
Newtonville Historic District Commission will meet on Thursday to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness to remediate a violation of the Historic District Ordinance regarding the building of a shed at 97 Lowell Avenue.
Cooper Center for Active Living (NewCAL) monthly construction update will be held Tuesday at 6PM (Zoom link).
State Rep. Amy Sangiolo will hold office hours on Friday, 11AM-12:30PM in City Hall, Room 211.
Development Review Team (DRT) is scheduled to meet this week regarding these potential projects/proposals:
- 16-20 Winter Street: Add a third unit to an existing two-family dwelling
- 1210-1230 Washington Street/Commodore Builders Sign: Allow an oversized wall-mounted sign facing Mass. Turnpike
- 887 Commonwealth Avenue: Allow a portico in the side setback
This week’s road construction schedule.