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Traffic Council Report – March 13, 2025

The Traffic Council approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):

  • Additional Accessible Parking Space at Trinity Church (4-0) Approved the addition of one more accessible parking space in front of Trinity Church, 11 Homer Street, making a total of two spaces. The Newton Commission on Disability had previously approved this request. The area will have a relocated 2-hour parking limit sign to accommodate the new layout.
  • Stop Signs on Oakwood Road at Upland Road (4-0) Approved the installation of stop signs eastbound and westbound on Oakwood Road at Upland Road intersection. This measure aims to clarify right-of-way at an intersection that previously had no stop signs in any direction. Residents during public comment asked for a 4 way stop sign instead to help with speeding and was told by the City stop signs are not used for street calming in the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, they are for determining right of way. Two more speakers complained about speeding, one asked for a speed bump. The City said they would review traffic data on Upland to try and better understand the issue.
  • Parking Restrictions on Lowell Avenue (4-0) Finalized the trial measure as permanent, prohibiting parking on both sides of Lowell Avenue from Page Road heading 100 feet southerly. This is to optimize crosswalk visibility and accommodate flex post installations. A resident and Councilor Lucas asked that a sign be installed to warn drivers of the new Rapid Flashing Beacon at the crosswalk. The City replied the Traffic Council does not have the jurisdiction to do this and referred them to the Traffic Superintendent.
  • Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon on Lowell Avenue at Page Road: Approved the addition of a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) to enhance pedestrian safety at this location. The RRFB has been positively received by the community.

Each decision can be appealed until April 2, 2025.

Voting Members Present: Captain Devine, (Police), Mitchell Fischman (resident), David Koses
(DPW) and Adrian Ayala (DPW)
Absent: Councilor Downs
Also Present: Councilor Lucas
City Staff: Jini Fairley (ADA Coordinator)

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