The Public Safety & Transportation Committee voted to hold the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):
- Discussion and possible ordinance change on residential parking programs and fee structures: (7-0-1, Councilor Lipof not voting) Residents can buy a permit for $25 a year and get 2 guest passes. Permits are attached to a car license, and guest passes are not. Residents can get guest passes without buying a permit. “This year, we’ve sold 100 permits at $25, and issued about 600 guest passes.” The committee discussed if residents should be required to get a permit before being given guest passes and if $25 was enough to charge for a permit. Homeowners can get construction permits for $10 a month for their contractors. Committee agreed 8-0 that the City should charge a fee for guest passes, but not the same amount as for a residential permit. The Committee discussed when the changes should begin (2026? 2027? or 2028?) and whether or not to have a public hearing.
- Discussion and possible ordinance change on the categories and levels of parking fines: (7-0, Councilor Lipof not voting). This item was discussed alongside the previous one. Councilor Downs noted that the City has categories of violations on the standard ticket sheet that are never used, such as angle parking only. The Police Captain said they could not find language in the ordinance to clarify categories like angle parking. A request was made to have Parking Control Officers at a future meeting to discuss the issue. There were mixed opinions on the need to increase fines. It was noted that tickets are for deterrence, to promote safe behavior. “Councilor Downs suggested that Councilors review and propose new fees for ticket costs for a future discussion with proposed draft language for the City to increase ticket fees.” Councilors had questions about different rules and fines in neighboring communities. The committee decided to learn more about the issue before making decisions on the ordinance.
Present: Councilors Grossman (Chair), Downs, Lucas, Block, Bixby, Greenberg, Lipof, and Wright
Also Present: Councilors Farrell, Oliver, Malakie, and Baker
City Staff: Newton Police Captain Daniel Devine and Hattie Kerwin Derrick,
Director of Community Engagement
Others Present: NewTV