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Public Facilities Committee Report – February 19, 2025

The Public Facilities Committee approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):

  • CPC Recommendation to appropriate for the Jackson Homestead and Museum (8-0) Approved a motion to authorize and expend $1,471,000 with a matching general obligation borrowing for the rehabilitation of the basement of the Jackson Homestead and Museum, alongside an additional $204,000 in Community Preservation Act funding for immediate costs related to the project. The project involves waterproofing the basement, work on porches and gutters to prevent water leaking into the basement and work on the HVAC system. Currently, one-third of the basement is unusable. Accessiblity improvements, such as an elevator, are not included. The gas heater is to be replaced with electric heat making the building fossil-fuel-free. The CPC will be bonding the project for approximately $1.7 millions for 10 years.

The committee voted no action necessary for the following:

  • Request for discussion on 5-year curbside collection contract (8-0) The City decided against going forward with a joint proposal for services with Brookline after finding few potential benefits. The proposed five-year contract is for curbside collection of trash and recycling, trash disposal, recycling processing, cart fleet management, bulky items pickup, whitegoods collection, yard waste collection, organics collection, dumpster service at some municipal and residential properties, and mattress recycling. Four holiday delays were removed (MLK, Presidents Day, Indigenous Peoples Day and Veterans Day). “Recycling processing to be charged based on the composition of Newton’s recycling.” Organics collection proposals came in at $1.5 million and $3.8 million. Discussion of its feasibility and potential MassDEP grants will be continued. Drop-box compost collection at City Hall, Rumford Ave, Wheeler Ave, and Albemarle Road has been going well.
  • Discussion with Public Works on stormwater mitigation to improve flooding (8-0) Combined with item #347-24, Discussed with item below.
  • Requesting a discussion and possible ordinance amendment regarding how water movement between properties is assessed (8-0) Commissioner of Public Works Sullivan “met with some of the residents from Annawam Road that came to the last meeting, and they are investigating possible solutions to their groundwater problems (this will likely be a private solution).” The Commissioner said residents who believe water is coming off new developments onto their property “should call the Engineering Department and they will go out to inspect the property to ensure they followed the Stormwater Ordinance during construction.” A resident expressed frustration for no recourse after a project was built that caused flooding in his yard and basement. The Commissioner encouraged the Committee to bring the Law Department and Inspectional Services Department into a discussion “around a new ordinance.”

Present: Councilors Albright (Chair), Getz, Kelley, Leary, Danberg, Kalis, Gentile, and Laredo
City Staff: Community Preservation Act Program Manager Mollie Hutchings, Historic Newton Director Lisa Dady, Public Buildings Project Manager Rafik Ayoub, Commissioner of Public Works Shawna Sullivan and Director of Sustainable Materials Management Waneta Trabert
Also Present: Community Preservation Committee Chair Susan Lunin

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