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Newton PRC & Red Cross: 2 Lifeguard Training Courses, Apr. 22-25

Newton Parks, Recreation and Culture will host lifeguarding courses where participants can learn skills to prevent and react to aquatic, breathing, and cardiac emergencies. Participants must be 15+ before the last scheduled session of their course. There will be two of these courses: one on February 17-20 and one on April 22-25. Participants will train from 8AM-4PM each day with the exception of lunch breaks. This will take place at the pool in Newton North High School (457 Walnut Street, Newtonville), and registration is $425.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive an American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding (Including Deep Water) with CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and First Aid, valid for 2 years.

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