Margaret Morganroth Gullette has published six books on age and ageism, most recently American Eldercide. How It Happened, How to Prevent It, by the University of Chicago Press. The book has been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award. See her interview in Nonprofit Quarterly.
Jameson White will receive Scouting’s prestigious Silver Beaver award at Scouting America’s Mayflower Council Annual Recognition Dinner on April 30. He is being recognized for his extraordinary contributions to Troop 209 in Waban and the broader community, showcasing a lifetime of selfless service and dedication to youth development. His involvement includes serving as a Merit Badge Counselor, Eagle Project Coach, and Mentor.
The following Newton students were named to the Dean’s List at Washington University in St. Louis for the fall 2024 semester:
- College of Arts & Sciences: Eli Blumkin, Lily Cantor, Nikhil Datta, Clara Dutton, Yuxuan He, Akash Menon, Nicole Resnick, Matteo Sabatine, Leah Sager, Sydra Shapiro, Hayne Song, Sophie Song, Lily Zarr
- McKelvey School of Engineering: Jared Appel, Ben Modiano, Ethan Riak, Ali Roche
- Olin Business School: Danya Goldstein, Ben Katz, John Li, Nate Szpak
- Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts: Zach Dietrich, Joy Kim, Sophia Russell
Harper Beaudry has been selected as one of 39 Dedham Savings Sweepers for the upcoming ISU World Figure Skating Championships® 2025. Sweepers are selected for their skating ability, personality, and positive attitude. They are responsible for picking up stuffed animals and other gifts thrown on the ice after a skater’s performance during the five-day event at TD Garden.