The Land Use Committee voted to approve the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):
- A Free-Standing Sign at 7 Hereward Road (8-0) for the Newton Community Development Foundation. No one spoke at the public hearing. Petition Documents
- To Exceed FAR at 16 Pine Ridge Road (8-0) to create a second-story sunroom on an existing deck. No one spoke at the public hearing. Petition Documents
- A System of Retaining Walls Exceeding Four Feet in Height at 124 Neshobe Road (6-0-2, Councilors Leary and Lucas Abstained) Part of a project to raze the current building and build a new one with a pool. At the public hearing, a neighbor expressed concerns about shadows on their property. Councilors raised concerns about drainage. The City said construction will have to comply with the new stormwater and drainage regulations. Petition Documents
The committee voted to hold the following:
- Request for a Special Permit to Allow Four Attached Single-Family Dwellings in Two Buildings and Associated Parking Waivers at 49 Dalby Street (8-0) At the public hearing, two neighbors spoke in opposition. Councilors expressed concerns about a lack of community meetings and involvement. Petition Documents
The Committee supported a consistency ruling from the Commissioner of Inspectional Services to allow for an increase in lot coverage granted in a special permit for 10-14 Mechanic Street. Petition Documents
Present: Councilors Kelley (Chair), Block, Downs, Farrell, Laredo, Leary, Lobovits, and Lucas
Also Present: Councilors Malakie and Wright
City Staff Present: Chief Planner Katie Whewell, Assistant City Solicitor Jonah Temple, Deputy
Chief Planner Cat Kemmett, Senior Planner Joe Iadonisi