The Land Use Committee voted on the following items (see Report and watch the meeting video):
- Request to Rezone 1 parcel to Mixed Use 4 (386-390 Watertown Street) The committee held a public hearing and discussed rezoning from BUSINESS 1 to MIXED USE 4. This item was initially held on December 17, 2024, and discussed again with amended docket language on February 25, 2025. The motion to approve the rezoning failed with a vote of 3-4-1, leading to a recommitment by the City Council. Eventually, the committee approved withdrawal without prejudice by a 7-0 vote.
The Land Use Committee withdrew without prejudice:
- Request to Rezone 1 parcel to Mixed Use 4 (386-390 Watertown Street) (7-0) to construct a four-story mixed-use building with 13 residential units. The committee held a public hearing and discussed rezoning from BUSINESS 1 to MIXED USE 4. The item was initially held on December 17, 2024, and discussed again with amended docket language on February 25, 2025. Matt Eckel, representing the petitioner, addressed claims of misinformation about the project and outlined the financial struggles and ownership changes affecting the project timeline and viability. Nicolas Beaujean, the petitioner, explained the financial impracticality of the previous plan with underground parking, which influenced their request for rezoning to accommodate a more financially viable project. Twenty-three people spoke at the public hearing. Public opinion was mixed, with some community members expressing support for the design and need for the project, while others opposed to spot rezoning, concerned about setting a precedent and the impact on community character. The motion to approve the rezoning failed with a vote of 3-4-1 (Councilors Lucas, Block, Lobovits, and Farrell opposed, Laredo abstained). Petition Documents
Present: Councilors Kelley (Chair), Block, Farrell, Laredo, Leary, Lobovits, and Lucas
Absent: Councilor Downs
Also Present: Councilors Albright, Gentile, Greenberg, Lipof, Malakie, Oliver, and Wright
City Staff Present: Chief Planner Katie Whewell, Assistant City Solicitor Jonah Temple, Deputy Chief Planner Cat Kemmett, Senior Planner Joe Iadonisi