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Goldbach: Land Use called it right

The March 11 meeting of the Land Use Committee was a good one for residents and businesses of Nonantum. The owner of 386-390 Watertown Street withdrew their request to rezone it as MU4 (mixed use 4), as well as the application to construct a four-story building after a public hearing in which so many speakers advocated against it.

Just last December, a special permit was approved for a three-story, mixed-use development at 386-390 Watertown Street, with commercial space on the first floor, ten housing units on the second and third floors, with two units to be rented at below-market rates.  

It is disheartening that all three Ward 1 Councilors favor spot zoning this property for a 4-story building and MU4 zoning, against the opinions of many constituents. The MBTA Communities Act Implementation Sheet warns that communities should “avoid isolated developments or spot zoning.

Nonantum is the most densely populated village, according to our City’s website; it was intentionally excluded from the VCOD when it passed in December, 2023. All the buildings in this vibrant area of Watertown Street are 1, 2, or 3 stories high, and it is zoned for a maximum of three stories. There is no zoning for MU4 in Nonantum, and it has been allowed only 3 other times in Newton.

It would be regrettable to sacrifice the uniqueness of Nonantum when 630 new homes are being built at Crafts Street, at Dunstan East, and Northland. Further, it would create a dangerous precedent for the neighborhood as other owners are apparently waiting in the wings to tear down their buildings if MU4 zoning were approved.

Many Councilors and residents made it clear that the previously approved three-story building would be a welcome addition to the Nonantum neighborhood. No one wants a hole in the ground. 

Anne Goldbach

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