City Council is not scheduled to meet this week.
Finance will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, March 10 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:
- Appointment of Patrick Song to the Financial Audit Advisory Committee
- Request for authorization to enter into a contract related to the City’s Deferred Compensation Plan for a term of five (5) years and an option to renew for an additional five-year term pursuant to the provisions of G.L. c.30B, §12
- Request for authorization to transfer and expend the sum of $45,000 from Sewer Maintenance Repair Full-Time Wages to the Sewer Fund Employees Worker’s Compensation, to settle Worker’s Compensation Claim #WC004306. A motion for Executive Session may be entertained.
- Request for authorization to transfer and expend the sum of $49,000 from Sewer Utilities FullTime Wages, to the Sewer Fund Employees Worker’s Compensation, to settle Worker’s Compensation Claim #WC004084. A motion for Executive Session may be entertained.
Zoning and Planning will meet in person (Room 204) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, March 10 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:
- Request for a discussion and amendments to Newton’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance, so it complies with the State’s Zoning Act (Ch. 40A) (Mayor’s item). See Planning Memo.
- Request for a discussion and amendments to Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance (ZAP item)
- Request for a discussion and possible amendments to Chapter 30 Zoning to allow certain routine residential alterations by right to streamline City processes for Newton property owners (see Planning Memo)
- Reappointment of Ann Houston and Peter Sargent to the Newton Affordable Housing Trust
- Reappointment of Jennifer Pucci to the Zoning Board of Appeals
Land Use will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, March 11 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:
Chair’s Note: The chair intends to entertain a motion to amend the petitioner from John L. Mula to Newton Park Watertown Realty LLC on items #480-24 and #481-24.
Chair’s Note: The chair intends to entertain a motion to reopen the public hearings, to take
public comment on items #480-24 and #481-24, which will take place during this meeting.
- Request to rezone 1 parcel as follows: 386-390 Watertown Street from Business 1 to Mixed Use 4 (see Special Permit documents).
- Request to construct a four story mixed use building with 13 residential units with 14 at grade parking stalls at 386-390 Watertown Street (see Special Permit documents)
Traffic Council will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, March 13 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:
- Request for one additional accessible parking space (totaling two) in front of Trinity Church, 11 Homer Street. NOTE: Commission on Disability to meet on March 10, 2025.
- Request to install stop signs in either two directions or in all four directions at the intersection of Oakwood Road at Upland Road in Newtonville
- Request to install a RRFB on Lowell Avenue at Page Road
- Request to restrict parking on both sides of Lowell Avenue, beginning at Page Road and heading 100 southerly, to optimize crosswalk visibility and provide maneuvering around DPW’s flex post installation. NOTE: Held for a trial of the following: Parking prohibited all times, Lowell Avenue, from Page Road to a point 100 feet southerly, east side.