Emily Craven — who is running the Boston Marathon to help fund the Fig City News summer internship program — is also organizing the Fig City News Shamrock 5K for the same purpose. The race is twice around Jamaica Pond plus 0.1 mile to the finish, for a total of 3.1 miles, on Sunday, March 16, starting at 9AM.
The course is easy and flat. The benefits to Fig City News student interns and readers are enormous. As Emily says, “This program supports young journalists by giving them their first experience in the field and providing them with an outlet to have their voices heard.”
Registration is open until 11:59PM on March 14. The cost is $20 (plus $2.20 fee to RunSignUp).
Emily is a natural fundraiser, and this is the second 5K race that she has organized. She has designated that all proceeds (net of RunSignUp fees) will go to Fig City News. If you have questions about the event, send a message to the organizer, Emily Craven, via the form on the race page.