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Public Facilities Committee Report – February 5, 2025

The Public Facilities Committee voted to hold the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):

  • Discussion with Public Works on Stormwater Mitigation (6-0) for Area 9 in Oak Hill to reduce inflow and infiltration into the city sewer system and the amount of money Newton ratepayers pay to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. It could cost up to $12 million. It will be done in 3 phases, beginning with lining and cleaning the sewer lines. Concerns were raised about the high groundwater tables and the potential impacts on local flooding post-project. The project will not reduce groundwater levels and could increase flooding in homes. The department will return to discuss finalized designs and management strategies.
  • Discussion and Possible Ordinance Amendment Regarding Water Movement Between Properties (6-0) When a property is development, it must built to keep water onsite for 100-year storm levels to limit runoff from the property.
  • CPC Recommendation to appropriate funds for the Jackson Homestead and Museum (6-0) $1,471,000 to rehabilitate the basement. Held until February 19 when Planning Department staff can attend the meeting to discuss the item.

The Public Facilities Committee voted no action necessary on the following:

  • Requesting a Discussion on Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Infrastructure (6-0) Commissioner of Public Works Sullivan updated the Committee on recent and upcoming projects and confirmed that the state grants to create a database of all City stormwater mitigation instructions below ground and a prioritization plan for the City’s stormwater streams and culverts had been received. The lead service inventory is completed, all identified leaks in mains, service lines and hydrants have been repaired, and the water meter system replacement is 90% complete. She stated the projects to reduce phosphorus were not evaluating flood mitigation but may have that benefit. An update on the Bullough’s Pond Dam project will be given at the March 5th meeting.

Present: Councilors Albright (Chair), Getz, Kelley, Leary, Danberg, and Kalis
Absent: Councilors Gentile and Laredo
Also Present: Councilors Lucas and Wright
City Staff: Commissioner of Public Works Shawna Sullivan, Deputy Commissioner of Public Works Bernie McDonald, and Chief Operating Officer Jonathan Yeo

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