The Zoning & Planning Committee approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):
- Appointment of Hema Narayanan to the Economic Development Commission (8-0) Ms. Narayanan stated the need for economic resilience, a diverse business portfolio, support for small businesses, and long-term planning to increase commercial tax revenue.
- Reappointment of Dan Green to the Conservation Commission (8-0)
The Zoning & Planning Committee voted to hold the following:
- Request for discussion and possible amendments to enhance the preservation of existing homes (8-0) Continued discussions on proposals to help prevent teardowns. Short-term, the Planning Department recommended the tool of “maximum facade buildout” limiting the front of the house to 60% of front lot width to “reduce the visual appearance/mass of new developments from the street” and increased set-backs. Long-term the Planning Department suggested considering a minor Floor Area Ratio reduction, adaptive reuse and and expanded ADU allowance. The Planning Department recommended updating the two-family, detached definition to allow garages to touch and discourage multiple curbcuts. Proposed definition: Two-Family, Detached. A building that contains 2 dwelling units. Accessory apartments shall not be considered a separate dwelling unit for the purposes of this section.
- Amend the setbacks in the MR zones to encourage preservation of existing buildings (8-0) Discussed jointly with the above item on preserving homes.
- Discussion and Possible Amendments to Retaining Wall Regulations for Multi-Family/Commercial/Industrial/Civic Buildings (8-0) Discussed jointly with the Planning & Development Board. The Planning Department proposed modifying existing requirements within the Village Center Overlay District to protect against developers exploiting waivers to exceed the 4 foot wall limit. Proposed modifications are underlined: 9.2.6 Development and Design Standards, 7. Retaining Walls a. The placement of a retaining wall of four (4) feet or more anywhere on a lot requires a special permit. When a combination of retaining walls are within 25 fee of each other (measured from front-face wall to front-face wall, height is measured from the foot of the lowest wall to the top of the highest wall. b. Walls, or combinations of walls, may exceed four (4) feet without a special permit when the wall(s) are enabling access to parking or loading facilities. Councilors asked that the Planning Department continue work with the State Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities to see if a smaller maximum height than 10 feet would be allowed.
- Requesting discussion and amendments to Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance (8-0) Discussion on this item was postponed to a future meeting because of the late hour. The ZAP Chair asked the Planning Department to prepare an additional draft amendment that only amends what is required to comply with state statute requirements.
Present: Councilors Baker (Chair), Oliver, Albright, Wright, Krintzman, Getz, Danberg, and Kalis
Also Present: Councilors Malakie, Lipof, Leary, Lucas, and Greenberg
City Staff: Jennifer Caira, Deputy Director of Planning; Zachary LeMel, Chief of Long Range Planning; Nora Masler, Planning Associate; Jennifer Wilson, Assistant City Solicitor; and Jaclyn Norton, Committee Clerk
Planning & Development Board Present: Kevin McCormick, Ed Dailey, Amy Dain, Peter Doeringer