The Rules Subcommittee reviewed the following rules (see the report and watch the meeting video):
- Referral of Items to Public Safety & Transportation Committee (PS&T): Discussed rebalancing the workload of committees and the evolving scope of safety in transportation. The Police and Fire Departments are core topics of the committee. PS&T Chair Grossman proposed moving road design dockets from Public Facilities to Public Safety & Transportation because of the relationship between road design and safety. She expressed concerns about the lack of funding for transportation and climate resiliency. The PS&T Chair expressed concerns about inconsistent traffic and parking laws enforcement and the limitation of changing behavior through enforcement. Concerns were raised about dividing responsibilities between two committees due to the ineffectiveness of joint subcommittee discussions with large groups. Suggestions were made to move road issues (construction, repairs) out of Public Facilities into PS&T. The Committee wanted to hear from former PS&T Chair Downs before deciding.
- Sustainability-Related Matters: Currently, the Sustainability Committee reports to the Finance Committee. Councilor Baker and others suggested centralizing climate resiliency and sustainability issues in Public Facilities or Programs and Services. Councilor Humprey noted that certain committees oversee City departments and that there is a need to align issues discussed with the departments and committees, too.
- Dress Code: Decided not to implement a dress code.
- Document Cleanup: Addressed necessary updates to correct references and grammatical errors in the document, aligning the rules with current practices.
- Real Property Reuse Committee: Agreed upon draft language specifying items to be referred to this committee.
- Financial Audit Advisory Committee: Supported the proposal to transition the Financial Audit Advisory Committee from a continuing resolution to a new Article XII.
Present: Councilors Oliver (Chair), Humphrey, and Baker
Absent: Councilor Krintzman
Also Present: Councilors Malakie, Grossman, Block, and Farrell
City Staff: Carol Moore, City Clerk/Clerk of the Council; and Jaclyn Norton, Committee Clerk