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Posts published in January 2025

Mayor nominates Republican W. David Power for Republican seat on Election Commission, and Republicans protest

The Newton Election Commission, responsible for administering and enforcing election laws, has four members: two each from the Democratic and Republican parties, to promote bipartisanship. Current Commission members include Democrats Marjorie Ann Butler (Chair) and Nancy M. Levine, and Republicans Jan Huffman and John P. McDermott. Mayor Ruthanne Fuller has…

What’s Up in Newton – Week of 1/5/2025

Highlights this week… City Council City Council will meet on Monday and expected to vote on the following (see Reports Docket): The New Docket includes the following requests: Land Use and Public Facilities Committees have canceled their regularly scheduled meetings for this week. Programs and Services will meet on Wednesday,…

Zoning & Planning Committee Report – 12/19/2024

The Zoning & Planning Committee approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video): The Zoning & Planning Committee voted to hold the following: Present: Councilors Baker (Chair), Oliver, Albright, Wright, Krintzman, Getz, Danberg, and KalisAlso Present: Councilors Malakie, Lipof, Leary, Lucas, and GreenbergCity Staff: Jennifer Caira, Deputy…

Financial Audit Advisory Committee Report – 12/18/2024

The Financial Audit Advisory Committee held a Fiscal Year 2024 ACFR Exit Conference with CLA CPA consultants (see the report and watch the meeting video) where they reviewed: Liabilities: $1.2 billion of which Bonds payable are $300 million; Net OPEB liability is $455 million ($205 million decrease from the prior…

Public Facilities Committee Report – 12/18/2024

The Public Facilities Committee approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video): Appointment of Shawna Sullivan as Commissioner of the Department of Public Works (8-0) Shawna Sullivan, appointed as Commissioner, discussed her 28 years with the City and future plans for the DPW, including restructuring for career…

Land Use Committee Report – 12/17/2024

The Land Use Committee approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video): The Land Use Committee voted to hold the following: Present: Councilors Kelley (Chair), Block, Downs, Farrell, Kelley, Laredo, Leary, and LobovitsAlso Present: Councilors Albright, Getz, Greenberg, Malakie, Oliver, and WrightCity Staff Present: Deputy Chief Planner…

Traffic Council Report – November 21, 2024

The Traffic Council approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video): All approved items could be appealed through the close of business on December 11, 2024. The Traffic Council voted to deny the following: The Traffic Council voted to hold the following:

City Council Meetings – Week of 1/5/2025

City Council will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, January 6 at 7:45PM, broadcast live NewTV’s government channel (Comcast 9, RCN 13, 614(HD), Verizon 33) and NewTV’s Youtube channel. See Reports Docket and New Docket. Land Use Committee’s regularly scheduled meeting has been canceled. See…

Board and Commission Meetings – Week of 1/5/2025

Youth Commission will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, January 6 at 6PM. The agenda includes the following: Planning and Development Board will meet in person (Room 211) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, January 6 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following: Fair Housing Committee will meet virtually (Zoom…

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