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Public Facilities Committee Report – 12/4/2024

Public Facilities Committee approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):

  • Authorization to appropriate $997,942 for Union Street main drainage extension (6-0, Councilor Laredo recused) to construct a 650-foot stormwater collection system to address localized flooding. Currently there is no stormwater pipe on Union Street. Construction is anticipated to begin in mid-January and conclude by late March or early April. The work is scheduled primarily for nighttime to minimize disruption to local businesses and residents.

Public Facilities Committee voted to deny the following:

  • Request for multiple grants of location for National Grid: (4-2-1, Councilors Leary and Kelley Opposed, Councilor Danberg Abstained); Public Hearing Closed 7-0. This extensive project involves the replacement of aging gas mains across various streets to enhance safety and infrastructure reliability. The replacements include sections on Centre Street, Walnut Street, Washington Street, and others, replacing old cast iron and bare steel pipes with new plastic mains. Ten members of the public spoke in support of fixing leaks as opposed to replacing pipes or removing pipes completely. Some noted new gas pipes do not align with Newton’s or the Commonwealth’s goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. National Grid said the City would have to pay for pipe removals. National Grid said there are “about 165 grade one leaks, 55 grade two leaks and 800 grade three leaks” in City gas pipes. National Grid said “on April 1st, they are required to file a Climate Compliance Plan (with the State) which will show a roadmap for the utility company for how they will meet climate goals and how they will transition their gas system to electrification options over time.”

Present: Councilors Albright (Chair), Getz, Kelley, Gentile, Leary, Laredo, and Danberg
Absent: Councilor Kalis
Also Present: Councilors Greenberg and Malakie
City Staff: Associate City Engineer John Daghlian and Design Engineer Alfredo Vargas
Others Present: Amy Smith, Mary Mulroney, Tammy Saporito, and Mark Rielly from National Grid

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